Spring into Springtime!
Eager with anticipation, when the first day of April arrives, you feel the weight of winter slide from your shoulders as you flip your calendar to greet the advent of the best times of the year. In spite of the weather outside of your windows, you have confidence your world will improve every day as summer approaches.
Spring means energy, growth, development and sunshine!
But, what if an unfortunate occurrence (an accident, illness, or loss) intrudes on your anticipation of better days ahead? Our knee jerk reaction is usually less than positive. Call it habit, call it learned behavior, call it forgetting your power to choose your reaction; your feelings about any and everything that happens in your life are the patterns of your past. We are aware that April showers bring May flowers, and we are grateful for both. If this year is a pleasant progression of career, relationships and relaxation, with nothing out of the ordinary disturbing the ebb and flow of our lives, then we have more reasons to express our gratitude.
However, if this April life throws you a curve ball, remember the choice is yours. You are in control of your life, and you are responsible for the feelings you have about the events in it. Regardless of how we feel about April showers or May flowers, whether the event is positive, negative or of no consequence it draws our attention to our power to choose, it reminds us to refocus on the present and commit to feeling good about whatever happens in our lives.