One of the greatest needs is to feel a sense of self-worth. Deep down we need to know that we’re important, that our life matters, and that we have something great to offer. But so often, we base our self-worth on our looks, what we’ve achieved, what we own, how perfect a life we’ve lived, or what others say or think of us. The problem with this is those things can change. If you’re basing your self-worth on your looks, your accomplishments, or your popularity; then when that goes down, your self-worth will go down. But if you place your value in Almighty God, nothing you or anyone else do can ever change that value.
If you’ll learn to receive your value from your Heavenly Father and listen to what He says about you, then you’ll go around feeling accepted, approved, redeemed, forgiven, confident and secure. You won’t be easily moved by your circumstances and what others may say. You will continually rise to the top because you understand your value in Almighty God!
By Joel Osteen