阳阳的心理测验 - autism(玫玫病了)

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Yesterday I took Yangyang to a psychology evaluation at HRC. This was a follow up from last year's evaluation by the same doctor. The aim of the evaluation was to see if HRC could close Yangyang's case.

At last year (April 2009)'s evaluation, doctor told me that she was not concerned about possible autism. She gave me a sheet of information about autism, and said that Yangyang did not fit. She also observed him in school. I just got the report recently. She suggested the follow up evaluation before Yangyang turned 3. So we went in again.

Yangyang was shy as usual, and he played with the few toys doctor brought in quietly. There was a dump truck, a fire truck, a few doll figures and pretend play toys. Doctor asked me to fill in a questionaire related to autism while she conducted the test with Yangyang. It was about cognitive development--to make sure that Yangyang had no mental retardation. Yangyang followed instructions, and performed well. He was asked to point at certain pictures, or answer questions, or imitate to build blocks. However, he did not want to speak up. He used his mumble voice the whole time. Doctor could not understand anything, and I had to translate. She asked me if he had any speech problem. I told her that he talked complicated sentences in both languages, with clear pronunciation and sometime correct grammar. Also he refused to use his index finger to point. He just used his fist gingerly when pointing. Doctor worried that he could not point. I told her that he was just being shy and stubborn.

Doctor told me that Yangyang's intelligence was about average or above, which I did not suspect. However, she said he could still be in the autism spectrum. This I had always suspected. She said he could be a mild, high-functioning case, since he had no speech problem. His problem could be social. He did not initiate any conversation with either of us the whole time we were in the room. Shyness could also be a sign of autism. She did not see the answers I put in the questionaire, but the section about social interaction, Yangyang scored very high (autistic), for example, usual fear, dislike group activities, prefer so play alone, "wrong" reaction to emotions, etc. The last one was in the case when he encountered someone who was sad or hurt, and he could not express sympathy as other kids do. Even today, one of his classmate was crying because she had an accident (pee pee in pants). Other kids were concerned, but Yangyang was laughing about it when he reported to me. Mike also observed that when Yangyang went to comfort a crying Meimei, he just put his arms around her without showing the corresponding expression of concern. He learned what to do, but he couldn't feel it.

Doctor wanted to see him again, to evaluation possible autism. She would also observe him at his preschool (this time at the private school). She wanted us to follow up on the MRI, the neurologist, and the genetic test. She also said the genetic doctor was wrong (he did not do the genetic test because he thought Yangyang was not autistic). She was wondering if the school district would do a similar evaluation. What we could do next with the HRC would depend on the decision of the school district, because after Yangyang turned 3 (next month), his case should be handled by school district. Doctor said that sometimes even if a kid goes to a private school, the school district can still send someone to work with the kid.

Even thought it was bad news about the Yangyang being on the autistic spectrum, I felt relieved. I felt that my feelings and relationship with Yangyang had been somewhat validated. If he indeed had some autism, then we could get him needed help.

Earlier this week, the school district OT went to observe Yangyang in Jefferson school, and she thought Yangyang was doing great. I guess she didn't think Yangyang would need further OT.

Today the school district Speech Therapist made an appointment with me to evaluation him. I told her that Yangyang seemed to have no speech problem. She said she would just see him to be sure. Oh well....

Yangyang had been very fussy today. Mike said it was probably because of our fight in front of him yesterday. We did have a very nasty fight. I felt bad for Yangyang (and Meimei), but I was just really mad at Mike for being so inconsiderate.

Meimei had been having fever for 3 nights. Poor baby. The first night I didn't even check her temperature or remove her blanket pajamas. I will have to take her to see a doctor tomorrow. She might have that hand feet mouth disease. She is very weak, and just wants to be held all the time. Poor girl.
