为孩子的未来,存 IRA 还是 529?

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- restrictive distribution for education only,

- tax free for distribution;

- no limit for annual contribution, total amount limit 320k life time.

- 非常重要的一点:如果父母为孩子存了大量529,孩子申请大学时,算family educational assert (FEA),孩子很难拿到助学金。

Roth IRA:

- no restriction on distribution,

- tax free for distribution.

- limit $10000/year/couple. No limit life time.

- 孩子申请大学时,IRA不算family educational asset.

- 从今年开始,T-IRA可以转换成 Roth IRA without income limit.但是如果T-IRA是deductible IRA, 转换时要补税。

Both are after tax contribution.很多州每年可以有$2000 529 contribution 免州税,加州没有。

laoyangdelp 发表评论于
No. You can withdraw T-IRA or R-IRA for educational purpose for yourself or your children before 59 without penalty.
sagogo 发表评论于
the withdraw from Roth IRA is tax free if it is held over 5 years AND the account owner is over 59.5. So if your child/children will need the money before your are 59.5, there is really no tax benefit. Am I right?