"what the heck do you think why our country has been No.1 for years and years?"
I am wondering what "years and years" represents for? Pick up your history book and read it carefully.
mehaa 发表评论于
My Chinglish? LMAO! Was that all you got to say?? I thought you pathetic losers can do better. Well, my Chinglish may not be better than yours, my family just happened to have been here for generations.
richemb 发表评论于
Yes, I did enjoy seeing you running crazy. BTW, no matter how hard you tried, your Chinglish is still obvious.
mehaa 发表评论于
What else can you say, name calling is not gonna hurt me a bit, why not just argue the issue, hey, don't your people want to have a showdown with US. Come on! By the way, why don't you go back to China to help your dear government?
mehaa 发表评论于
Doesn't matter, if that makes you feel better, so be it.
mehaa 发表评论于
How many Americans do you know, You don't know sh*t about Americans. Yep, there are trash in this country. There are trash in every other country. what the heck do you think why our country has been No.1 for years and years?
mehaa 发表评论于
The truth hurts, doesn't it? Why not just haul ass to China and to talk your evil communist party into dumping dollars? Talk is cheap, bring it on! moron.
蒜茸老爹 发表评论于
mehaa 评论于:2010-02-11 12:30:06 [回复评论]
"真正中国和美国打起贸易战和金融战,是你还没有走出危机的美国要吃亏多一点,还是已经走出危机,经济增长8.7%的中国怕一些?"---very interesting, all your arguments are based on one thing, which is, all economic data and statements from Chinese government are true. The whole world knows that is false.
Propaganda only fools ignorant people. China's bluster does nothing but makes a big fool out of themselves. As an american, I wish China would dump dollars they are holding, it may hurt us in a short term, but it will absolutely do good for our country in a long run. We will take that risk for our Children and our grandchildren.
"We will take that risk for our Children and our grandchildren."
That's ridiculous. If you use this statement to describe Chinese, it is true. If you'd use it to describe American, the whole world knows that is not true. Most Americans have no intention to help their children on higher education expenses. If you expect them to sacrifice themselves for their children and grandchildren; that's cool.
richemb 发表评论于
Mehaa, I really doubt your patriotism. Why you used "C"for the word "China" while putting the lower case "a" for "american"?
beijinggrandpa 发表评论于
真心希望那些真的,假的american都向楼下这位一样无脑。‘We will take that risk for our Children and our grandchildren.’想的还挺远,先关心一下你的fater和grandfather会不会以你为耻吧!
mehaa 发表评论于
"真正中国和美国打起贸易战和金融战,是你还没有走出危机的美国要吃亏多一点,还是已经走出危机,经济增长8.7%的中国怕一些?"---very interesting, all your arguments are based on one thing, which is, all economic data and statements from Chinese government are true. The whole world knows that is false.
Propaganda only fools ignorant people. China's bluster does nothing but makes a big fool out of themselves. As an american, I wish China would dump dollars they are holding, it may hurt us in a short term, but it will absolutely do good for our country in a long run. We will take that risk for our Children and our grandchildren.