A Austin It’s my name.
B Books I read voraciously. I read many books by myself, but I still enjoy reading with my mom or dad.
C Chutian It’s my Chinese name, meaning “Southern Sky”. I speak Chinese and recognize hundreds of Chinese characters.
D Dance Sometimes I like to dance with music.
E Easter It’s my most favorite holiday.
F February I was born in February. I am 5 today!
G Giraffe I was a giraffe on 2 Halloweens, my 2nd most favorite holiday.
H Hike I enjoy hiking. You may see me on Sleeping Giant or Farmington Canal.
I Internet I go to the Internet for good information from any computer that’s not locked.
J Jack That’s my dad’s name!
K Karate Yes, I have been practicing Karate.
L Leaves To rake falling leaves off lawn was fun! I also liked to follow my dad when he was mowing the lawn.
M Maps I love maps. I know all the American states and can show you the smallest country in a world map!
N Numbers I am obsessed by numbers. I can add, subtract and sometime multiply numbers. I know how to describe length and temperature,
O Oceans I can name all the 4 oceans in the world. We have never lived far away from the Ocean.
P Pool I can swim in laps like adults and dive to the 5-foot-deep bottom of the pool.
Q Quarters I collect quarters. I know how to make up an amount of money using quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies.
R Rabbit My favorite stuffed animal has been a rabbit given by Me-Me when I was a new baby. There are plenty of rabbits in our backyard.
S Snow Snow means endless fun. I enjoy shoveling it, and sliding on it.
T Time I understand time and dates. I can read time from a clock and it doesn’t have to be digital.
U Uverse I watch my favorite shows, such as Max and Ruby, through AT&T Uverse.
V Vegetables Mom always makes me eat a lot of vegetables.
W Water Mom also makes me drink a lot of water. I like to play with water too.
X X-ray That’s one thing that I do NOT like. Don’t show me an X-ray picture.
Y Yvonne That’s my mom.
Z Zip code My zip code is 06410. Can you figure out where I live?