Time flies faster as we get older???

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Almost everyone had these sorts of thoughts when they were small: when can I grow up like my parents? Why is it taking so long to grow up? I wish I can turn to 20 tomorrow.....

The truth is, when we actually grow up, we suddenly feel time seems to fly by so quickly and wish it could slow down.

Is this just the feeling, or it is something with scientific explanation?

One day, I was listening to NPR, and heard this report about why people feel time flew faster as they got older. The theory is our thought process is slower when we get older. A test was conducted on a street among random people from different age groups. They were asked to sense how long one minute was and then compared with the actual clock timing. The test results showed that, for younger people, the time sense was very close to the clock reading. However, for the older people, their time sense was slower than the clock reading. That is why the older people feel the actual time flies faster than what they think. Kind of interesting, huh?

vwbeetle 发表评论于
Two reasons:
1) The theory is our thought process is slower when we get older.
2) The older people act slower.