真晕, 文学城怎么还转假新闻呢?

刚刚看到文学城的首页“你能接受美国专家对我们中国人的评价吗?”的文章, 刚好前几个星期看到RAND 辟谣的声明,那评论是假的。 其实, 就算没有这声明, 我也对那评价不以为然的. 我想, 有些国人的妄自菲薄也真有点pathetic

News Advisory
A report on the Web site dwnews.com incorrectly attributes negative comments about the Chinese people and Chinese traditions to a report about the Chinese economy allegedly prepared by the RAND Center for Asia Pacific Policy. No such comments exist in any report prepared by RAND researchers and comments in the article do not accurately represent the views of RAND scholars. Part of the dwnews.com article appears to be based on testimony given in 2005 that can be found here: http://www.rand.org/ pubs/testimonies/CT244/. We have asked the Web site to correct its error.

RAND的 辟谣的声明

