
打印 被阅读次数

作者: 云儿





       文学奖    和平奖    科学奖


基督教   43 (44.3%)  57 (64.8%)  231 (45.1%)

犹太教    9 ( 9.3%)   9 (10.2%)  103 (20.1%)

其 他    4 ( 4.1%)   4 ( 4.5%)   8 ( 1.6%)

 小计   56 (57.7%)  70 (79.5%)  342 (66.8%)

无宗教   31 (32.0%)   5 ( 5.7%)   49 ( 9.6%)

可能有    3 ( 3.1%)   8 ( 9.1%)   79 (15.4%)

宗教背景   4 ( 4.1%)   2 ( 2.3%)   23 ( 4.5%)

无记录    3 ( 3.1%)   3 ( 3.4%)   19 ( 3.7%)

合 计   97 (100%)   88 (100%)   512 (100%)





      有宗教  上教堂 反宗教


数学与统计  60%   47%  11%

物理科学   55%   43%  11%

生命科学   55%   42%  11%

社会科学   45%   31%  13%


 经济学   50%   38%  10%

 政治学   51%   32%  10%

 社会学   49%   38%  12%

 心理学   33%   20%  21%

 人类学   29%   15%  19%


Notes: Data are from the Carnegie Commission's 1969 Survey of

American Academics.

引自:Stark, Iannaccone, and Finke, "Religion, Science, and Rationality.", American Economic Review, May 1996, p433-7




"Atheistic Humanist" 1

"Neo-pagan" 1

"Pirali" Brahmin 1

Agnostic 3

Anglican 2

Anti-church 1

Anti-religious 1

Antifundamentalist 1

Areligious 1

Atheist 6

Atheist in adult years 1

Belongs to no organized church 1

Catholic 23

Christian 2

Christian background 1

Christian by birth 1

Communist 1

Eastern Orthodox 5

Episcopalian 1

Freethinker 6

From African/Anglican background 1

From Buddhist background 1

Jewish 9

Lutheran 2

Lutheran background 1

Methodist 1

Most probably Christian/Catholic 1

Most probably Christian/Protestant 2

Muslim 1

No organized religion 4

No record 1

No record found 2

Presbyterian 1

Protestant 5

Protestant and Jewish 1

Rejected doctrine 1

Rejected organized Christianity 2

Spiritualist 1


Agnostic 1

Anglican 4

Anti-church 1

Anti-religious 1

Areligious 1

Baptist 1

Catholic 16

Christian 7

Christian/Protestant 1

Congregationalist 1

Dutch Reform 1

Episcopalian 2

From Russian Orthodox background 1

Jewish 9

Lutheran 6

Methodist 4

Methodist background 1

Most probably Buddhist 1

Most probably Christian 2

Most probably Christian/Protestant 5

Muslim 2

No record found 3

No religious practice 1

Presbyterian 4

Protestant 8

Quaker 1

Shinto 1

Tibetan Buddhist 1

Unitarian 1