Can't agree with you any more.
Thanks and have a great weekend!
P.S. Your Id should be 书香门第? Maybe it had been taken by someone else?
楚江 发表评论于
一口气听完了他的第一张CD,他的声音是那么地柔软浪漫多情,几乎每一首歌都好听。但仔细听他在唱这些应该是很甜蜜的爱情歌曲的时候,即使是象唱带点幽默腔的《I'm in the mood for love》之类的歌,都带着一种Blues挥之不去的淡淡的忧伤,所以,他的歌声常常是在人不经意的时候融化了人的心。。。
苏乡门地 发表评论于
Just like her father, Natalie also has a beautiful voice that is rich in emotion and passion. Almost all of their
songs are personable that you can be attached to~~~
I enjoyed listensing to Mario Frangoulis, but somehow you feel there is always a distance in his voice :))