每家傳銷公司都會站在自己的角度來制造輿論,吸引公眾。例如,雅芳、安利和Shaklee傳銷人員常說“老公司的制度相對比較穩定可靠,新公司說變就變靠不住”,而Monavie、Syntec和Diamond Rewards傳銷人員則說:“老公司制度較差積重難返,新公司制度革新容易賺錢。”環網、IPC和Local AD Link傳銷人員常說:“營養品公司每個月要訂貨,會成為負擔,不能做”,而HerbaLife、丞燕和Mannatech傳銷人員則說:“沒有產品的公司純粹為了圈錢,玩金錢遊戲,隨時可能倒。”聽起來似乎都有道理,可細細琢磨,又感覺似是而非。
以USANA為例,其主要產品為維生素、魚油、鈣片、葡萄籽、銀杏葉、低糖飲料等,市場上隨處可見,論品質價格難分伯仲,於是免不了與別家經銷商起口角之爭。在美安大會上,主講人以播放幻燈片的方式,針對原USANA醫療顧問Lyle Mac William和USANA經銷商Michael Colgan、Ray Starand等人合寫的《營養補品比較指南》進行回擊,批評該書刻意隱瞞長期大量攝取維生素、大豆異黃酮的危險性,並對綜合維生素類產品作了誤導性評比。拋開這種無為的爭執,USANA要想說服公眾相信它的維生素會比信譽良好的GNC以及全美各藥房裏的更有質量保證,亦非易事。
為了使自己的產品令同行望塵莫及,一些公司以尖端研發和新銳探索為發展方向,另一些公司則不惜重金搶購著名科研機構的最新專利技術,為爭一先,都使出了渾身解數。例如,RBC Life Sciences對於廣泛應用Nanotechnology情有獨鐘,研制了Microhydrin、Immune 360、NeuroBright等等,其營養物質能夠迅速滲透人體細胞,使抗氧化、免疫、修復細胞等功效增強百倍。而NuSkin則致力於重新組合人體內的青春基因群組,推出了ageLOC,有效延緩衰老過程。不過,由於高新科技日新月異,傳銷公司手中的專利,隨時可能變為昨日黃花。
“Founded in 1998, iNetGlobal has grown from it's humble beginnings as a small local ISP to one of the a top Internet Service Provider for Business in the world today specializing in Online Advertising.
With over 50,000 active customers, "Members" from around the world, and growing iNetGlobal is one of the fastest growing Internet Companies.”
在这家网站的about us里有这么一段话:
“iNetGlobal is a division of Inter-Mark Corporation 5348Vegas Dr Las Vegas NV 89108”
在www.manta.com(一个查询美国公司的网站)上,也根本查不到在Las Vegas的inter-mark corporation。
For immediate release: September 18, 2008
Contact: David Anderson 612-664-5684
United States Attorney's Office
A 53-year-old Minneapolis man was indicted today in federal court with four counts of tax evasion. Steven Mark Renner was indicted for willfully attempting to evade and defeat a large part of his income tax due and owing by him to the United States for the tax years 2002-2005.
The total tax due and owing is allegedly $332,162.
From 2001 through 2006, Renner owned and operated Cash Cards International (CCI), an Internet-based stored-value card and money transmission business with locations in Minnesota, South Dakota and Hawaii. CCI also operated a multi-level sales distributorship business opportunity for the sale of the cash cards.
The indictment alleges that Renner diverted substantial funds from CCI during 2002-2005, and alleges that he used those funds to pay his personal living expenses, as well as to make personal investments in coins, oil wells, art, stamps and vintage musical instruments. Renner also used CCI funds to fund and promote his musical band, "Stevie Renner and the Renegades."
Although he was required to do so, Renner did not timely file federal income tax returns with the Internal Revenue Service, and did not pay the approximately $332,162 in tax due and owing for those years, the indictment alleges.
In April 2002, Renner submitted an application to the Minnesota Department of Commerce to license CCI as a money transmitting business, but did not provide tax returns as required by the department. The department, in May 2002, issued a Cease and Desist Order directing CCI to cease operations, in part because Renner did not complete the application.
In 2004, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) directed Renner and CCI to provide tax returns for CCI, and on March 5, 2006, after Renner became aware of another federal investigation into CCI and himself, he filed the tax returns for tax years 2002-2005. According to the indictment, Renner included CCI's tax return information on his personal tax returns, and those returns falsely and substantially understated his income and the tax due and owing for each year.
If convicted, Renner faces a potential maximum penalty of five years on each tax evasion count. All sentences are determined by a federal district court judge. This case is the result of an investigation by the IRS-Criminal Investigation Division, the SEC and the Minnesota Department of Commerce. It is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney John R. Marti.
For the superficial readers: Yes, Inetglobal is a scam and a really bad one. Stay away from them and save your money! For the ones that want to have some more background information, here you go:
As I surfed today around the blogosphere (a lot of my posts start lately like this ) I came across a blog comment with a “last blog post” headline reading “Make $$,$$$ Per Month”. The blog itself was called something ridiculous like “I want to become a billionaire in less than 5 years.” OK, OK, I hear you saying, why did I even waste time to look closer at something that is so obviously spammy? Very easy, I am naturally curious So, I took a closer look and found out how it works.
BTW, the system described is not restricted to Inetglobal, the same system to scam people is used by many other web sites. It is also known as a Ponzi scam or pyramid scheme. The sales pitch goes like this:
You sign up for a free account. (That is the only free thing in the whole process!)
You spend 8 minutes a day to earn a six figure income by looking at 24 websites a day for 20 seconds each, for a total of 8 minutes a day. (That is a the scam part)
The reality / scam goes like this:
You sign up for a free account.
You buy a “Consultant Kit” for “only” $59.95.
You buy an advertising package for hundreds, up to thousands, of dollars which “allows you” to upload your own site into the system.
You start to look at / surf web sites, for this “looking at / surfing of web sites” you get paid.
You refer others to do the same and get a share of what they pay to Inetglobal. That is where the pyramid scheme becomes really obvious.
Do you see it now? It is nothing else then a Ponzi or pyramid scheme. Inetglobal, and similar web sites, make money only by selling their kits and packages, NOT by selling advertising. You only earn, if you ever get paid, if enough people after you buy into the scam.
Be also aware that your account will be set to a “daily re-purchase”, means your credit card will get continuously charged and drained until you are in deep debts.
See it from the other side, the site of a potential advertiser. If you would want to advertise your web site, would you choose a service that pays people just to stare at your web site? What would be the benefit for you, the web site owner? Empty, non-buying traffic and a huge waste of money and a lesser waste of bandwidth.
The only way to actually make money from this program, if you ever get to cash it out, is to sell it on to your family, friends and blog readers. But who would do that? Would you really try to convince people to buy into something what you know to be a scam just to make a buck or two?
And the biggest joke to close up this blog post about the Inetglobal scam, they don’t allow other Ponzi Scheme, and similar, being uploaded to their advertising program. Seems they are afraid of the competition! Directly from their TOS:
Prohibited Sites include:
* Illegal business schemes
* Get Rich Quick
* Ponzi Scheme
* Pay To Surf
* Scam Sites
I would LMAO if it wouldn’t be so sad! Please save your money and stay far, far away from the Inetglobal scam and similar sites.
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美安公司的經營理唸:“産品立基,創業在人” Built on Product, Power by People。美安公司産品是代理制,從不自己研究開發,也不生産製造。而是請專傢以專業眼光幫助消費者來評估挑選質優價廉的商品。進而聯閤市面上所有大商傢,借助互聯網做商品經紀人。 經營商品包羅萬象,包括零售業、服務業、金融業和其它特殊行業。另外還配套以變革性的營銷措施。