Having a health care is like staying in a hotel. if you have money and want to stay a five star hotel, then you can. If you don't have much money, you can stay at a motel to save money. If you don't have money and you want to stay at five star hotels, then someone has to pay for your stay, period. If you don't want to pay for your stay, and claim that it is your right to stay at a five star hotel, then the people who have to pick up the bill should also have the equal right to say, no, it is my right not to pay for your stay, it is my money.
Those who support the poor will say, you are so selfish. But the problem is, will they pay for the poor to stay? Hell no. They want you to pay for. The simple logic of their is that since you can afford it, you should share with others.
Now you should know why we are against Obamacare and his socialist agendas.
American healthcare system is set up to provide the best care, but not the best coverage. Socialized medicine is set up to provide the widest coverage, not the best care. Obamacare tries to provide the best care and the widest coverage, which will lead to uncontrollable deficit. Llbyw fails to address the cost side of the issue.
The simple law of scarce resource is you cannot have all 3: (a) best medicine, (b) universal coverage, (c) reasonable cost at the same time. Politicians are incentivized to lie about reality, Bush is no different from Obama. He used Medicare D to buy senior voters. The sad part is even well educated people are confused about the choices people have to make about any healthcare system, and can only think of health care as a moral issue.
If you are so moralistic, you should all go into medicine and provide healthcare to society for free. I don't see you volunteer at the local hospital?
另外,既然你信丛林法则,穷的老的落魄的就该自己毙了自己,那华尔街那些个骗子破产了就该自生自灭,凭什么要人救?怎么没见你跳出来。Talking about double standard!