Report Card 3/12/2010


Tony welcomes new tasks and seeks new opportunities for learning, particularly when it involves small group activities. Ha has demonstrated a positive attitude towards learning and demonstrates a genuine concern for learning. Tony communicates effectively and contributes information to class discussions. He has shown an improvement in time management and organizational skills. Tony's writing has improved. He is now writing with detail. Encourage him to develop standards of neatness in regard to handwriting. Tony's positive and consisten efforts toward school and learning activities have resulted in a truly seccessful marking period.

————怎么听起来很不过瘾么、、、、reading都是4,writing居然出现了一个2.。。。总之觉得虚荣心没得到很大的满足。。。。。。。reading level倒是不错,从Nov. 的I一跃成了M,当然2黑同学肯定认为这全是他的功劳,所以也不必强化这一优点。。。

wjmama 发表评论于
黑黑黑黑 发表评论于

我总觉得这个一年级的老师缺乏发现8黑同学闪光之处的慧眼:PP 具体表现在:以前上Pre-K时,每次2黑开完家长会回来,总是用新奇的眼神把8黑打量个不停,认为他儿子以后肯定是个了不起的大人物;K的家长会后就比较务实了,认为儿子也就是个一般人儿;再等这一年级的回来后,简直就跟斗败的公鸡没啥区别了,嘎嘎。

wjmama 发表评论于
writing is the most difficult part. Same here