Signore, ascolta!

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Yes, through a gentle sigh in the dark

I hear her, Signore

she is a woman ---

Her sigh is like a pearl

dropping on the icy face of grief

with each quivering of ripples

she redefines the winter landscape

Her bodyline winds through shores

like wind, pushes waves to a end of sea

where --- she captures every glimmer of moonlight

turns every darkness

     into sunrise

Then her voice rises

together with the Sun

by each melodic tone

she composes sorrow into music

music into comfort --- in which

she embraces us

with her mighty love of grace

Oh Signore, ascolta!

She is a woman!

through the dazzling glare of the Sun

I see her ---

     The Mother of the Universe!

This poem is inspired by Signore, ascolta* sung by Maria Callas

*Signore, ascolta --- aria from opera Turandot, composed by Giacomo Puccini. "Signore, ascolta" is Italian means "Lord, listen" in English.

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