Good in Math, Physics and Computer needs to be smart in logic reasoning, abstract imagination. I do not see learning Medicine needs much IQ, they only need good memory. You think Medicine is difficult because of "人际应变能力." I can see Auto-sale-person needs more "人际应变能力," do you mean learning to be Auto-sale-person is more difficult?
我说的是新法案。The Act created a 5-year waiting period before new immigrants can access "Federal means-tested public benefits" and required that a person petitioning for an alien's admission must sign an affidavit promising financial support to the alien. 你刚来就买了OBAMA 的保险?
[回复]:你说的是联邦政府的资助,你说的和我讲的不是一码事。我这里讲的是一个移民的父母或亲戚来探亲,用自己的钱来买保险,而不是接受联邦"Federal means-tested public benefits"
Are all employer group health insurance policies the same?
Many people don't realize that health insurance is issued differently for different types of employers,and that, because insurance is regulated at the state level of government, the laws regarding health insurance offered by the different types of employers can vary significantly from state to state. Millions of Americans work for small employers, which for health insurance purposes are generally those with 50 employees or less. Millions of other Americans get their health insurance coverage through large employers. Generally, those are business with more than 50 employees. The laws about how coverage can be issued to large groups are different than those for small groups, and the way that premium rates are determined is also different. The requirements for sole proprietors purchasing health insurance coverage also vary on a state-by-state basis.
What are the coverage requirements for small employer plans?
Federal law mandates that no matter what pre-existing health conditions small employer group members may have, no small employer or an individual employee can be turned down by an insurance company for group coverage. This requirement is known in the insurance industry as “guaranteed issue.” In addition, each insurance company must renew its small employer health plan contracts every year, at the employer's discretion, unless there is non-payment of premium, the employer has committed fraud or intentional misrepresentation, or the employer has not complied with the terms of the health insurance contract.
In most states, small employer health insurance companies are allowed to look back at individual group applicants medical histories for pre-existing conditions and may decide not to cover certain conditions for a specified period of time. This is known as an exclusionary, or a pre-existing condition, waiting period. Federal law states that small group health insurance companies may impose no more than a six-month look-back/12-month exclusionary period for pre-existing conditions, but individual states can reduce these time periods. Small group insurance companies are also required to give employees credit for prior coverage against any pre-existing condition waiting period that may be imposed, as long as the employee had other health insurance coverage within 63 days of the application for new coverage.
For more information about your state's coverage requirements for small group employer health plans, please see NAHU's Health Care Coverage Options Database.
If you have a preexisting condition that can be excluded from your plan coverage, then there is a limit to the preexisting condition exclusion period that can be applied. HIPAA limits the preexisting condition exclusion period for most people to 12 months (18 months if you enroll late), although some plans may have a shorter time period or none at all. In addition, some people with a history of prior health coverage will be able to reduce the exclusion period even further using “creditable coverage.” Remember, a preexisting condition exclusion relates only to benefits for your (and your family’s) preexisting conditions. If you enroll, you will receive coverage for the plan’s other benefits during that time.
Although HIPAA adds protections and makes it easier to switch jobs without fear of losing health coverage for a preexisting condition, the law has limitations. For instance, HIPAA:
· Does not require that employers offer health coverage;
· Does not guarantee that any conditions you now have (or have had in the past) are covered by your new employer's health plan; and
· Does not prohibit an employer from imposing a preexisting condition exclusion period if you have been treated for a condition during the past 6 months.
没有支柱性产业,没有能源,国内不能自给,供需失衡,消费过度,越到后面问题越多.这个时候只能打一战,才能救美国,但是不能打,08也不敢打.小小一个傧蜡邓,小布什花了整整八年,麻烦如春笋,层出不穷.这就是要做世界警察的代价.Team America, World Police? Not any more.
aloevera 发表评论于
XZ1980 has made it very clear to your question unless you did not read it. Let the market decide how many doctors we need and how much they should be paid. This is free market! There shouldn't be any control in how many doctors we should have.
aloevera 发表评论于
This is what I want to say. XZ1980 has pointed to the root of the problem.
XZ1980 发表评论于
Very good point. The government should not allow Drs' union to limit number of Drs allowed in this country to get high salary. If the Drs still whine, let the government pay their tuition. It is better to pay them 4 years than 30 years. In a short run, we should import Drs from top hospitals in other countries. The medicine market has to be deregulated. Otherwise 美国早晚要葬送在自己供奉富养的医疗手上.
Let me give you one more example. If you allow Boeing to decide how many aircraft makers should exist on this earth. For sure Boeing will say Airbus is a junk should not be allowed in the market because of public safety. Once Airbus is killed, I am sure you will pay double the price but get worse airplanes because Boeing knows that you have nowhere to buy. That is why we pay 3-4 times Drs than in other developed countries but ranked last in average life and baby birth defects in developed country.
XZ1980 发表评论于
What you mean the incentive, they have to be a good Dr to get high salary, this is good for them and good for patients. They should not be allowed to get high salary by limiting Drs' supply.
There are a lot of things dealing with human being. E.g., Brakes and wheels in a car are life threatening. Do you want auto-mechanics to form an union to limit number of auto-mechanics allowed to work in this country to make sure the all auto-mechanics are smart guys. If you allow this happen, I am sure your oil change price will be tripled in no time. You will have more problems with wheel and brakes because they know that you have nowhere to go. If you want to do oil change yourself, you need pay them for prescription to buy oil and filters. That is exactly what happen in Medicine.
武胜 发表评论于
918918 发表评论于
If there is no incentive, who want to work his tail off to be a doctor? You tell me!
So you need bare-ffot doctors. If the care is for everyone, and affordable, and good quality, and decrease deficit? No such thing.Not even one county hospital is making money, that the most closest one to Obama's care.
You are dreaming.
By the way, doctors are taking care of human beings, it's not like a mechanic shop.
I understand your point, but looking at the whole picture, it's impossible.
XZ1980 发表评论于
Obama just need romove Drs hands from controlling Drs' supply. Free market will take care of the rest. Anytime the patients compete for the Drs, there will be crisis.
XZ1980 发表评论于
Because Drs Union limits number of Drs in US in order to get high salary, we have to wait long time for emergency slot with high cost.
With more Drs supply,the market can choose good Drs during the practice, they have to compete other Drs to be in the business. Like in the manufacturing the tech development, free market and the competetation change the world.Currently,once someone becomes Dr, they have no pressure from other Drs because there is not enough.Therefore, they do not need to so good work. Without competition nothing will work. Wall Street myth is already broken. Next myth to be broken is US Drs.
XZ1980 发表评论于
You have to let market to determine how many Drs to be in the market and how much to be paid. You cannot control the supply of Drs to get high salary. It is like you open a store then limit total number of this kind of store to be opened. This is criminal.In free market like any business, if you surgeon thinks paid too low, go out of business. Then the price will go higher, more Drs will be in the business. This is the healthy market. By the way, do not brain wash the public about malpractice premium cost, according a study by University of Chicago, that is about 5% Dr income. American pay more than 10 times premium on car insurance. Who cares how much debt you get, like every profession, if you do not think it is worth to go to medicine, do not go there, then the income for that profession will be higher because of less supply. Then people will go there because of higher income. By the way, a medium income of a surgeon will make well above half million a year, what is $200 k debt versus income?
918918 发表评论于
Maybe Obama should think about train tons of bare foot docs to cut the cost.
918918 发表评论于
Even you have urgent or emergent conditions, you have to wait, because you are HMOs. Current HMOs still is better than Obama's care.
You probably hate the long wait in DMVs, but if you have cancer, you need several referals to see the specialist to get the correct diagnosis, if lucy enough, it's still operatable, you need to wait months to get an OR slot.You survived the complications of sugery from not-so-sharp surgeon (because smart ones don't want to be doctors). Hope you can still like Obama's care by then!
我说的是新法案。The Act created a 5-year waiting period before new immigrants can access "Federal means-tested public benefits" and required that a person petitioning for an alien's admission must sign an affidavit promising financial support to the alien. 你刚来就买了OBAMA 的保险?
If you pay a cadiothoracic surgeon 100k/yr, who want to be in med school 4 yrs, and 10 more yrs in residency and fellowship training? when training is done , on average, each physician has 200k in sudent loan debt, and at the same time, high premium of malpractice insurance?! If doctors are over supplied, comprised care is a sure thing. Did you know how many patients a family doctor need to see a day to maintain 150k/yr? 25-30! This number will be more, if medicare cuts the paymeny further.
Give you another example, for incisional hernia repair, medicare pays $500 totally for everything, but the mesh will cost $500, how can the surgeon survive?
XZ1980 发表评论于
There are a lot of debates on the high healthcare cost in US. People blame insurance company, others blame pharmaceutical companies. Actually, the root problem is Drs themselves. Why, because they deliberately limit number of Drs allowed to work in this country. This way they can keep their salary high. Every Dr to practice in US need to have residency in this country even if you practice in other country in many years. What Drs union (American Medical Association) do is to limit number of residency slots available. This way they limit supply of Dr with the purpose to keep their salary high. That is a big crime. They inflated the price of healthcare. Not only they looted from the public, they are responsible for 40,000 death of uninsured and under-insured.
The thing also make me angry is that the corrupted government and congress allowed this happen for more than hundred years. Itself is a joke to allow Drs themselves to decide how many Drs in this country. Any reform without get rid of Drs’ union on the controlling the Drs’ supply, will not work.
to 918918: How do you know "they are happy with their insurance"? I, for one, am not happy with my insurance at all, and I know many of my American colleagues share the same sentiment. The premiums have skyrocketed over the short past 10 years and the benefits keep shrinking year after year.
There are so many crooks in this healthcare food chain who have no value add but live off the premium contributions from the hard working Americans. This corrupt system must be reformed. I may end paying more. But an equitable, efficient health system will only make this world a better one for all.
有人提出懒虫的观点。我认为部分正确,在其它场合可能适用,但不适用于医疗保险,因为再勤劳的人也架不住生病,这一点只有当你有这个经历时才会有深切的体会。看看Michael Moore 的“SiCKO ”吧,那里有很多的例子。
918918 评论于:2010-03-23 14:10:59 [回复评论] 删除
mamamia99, why you can't see this socialism rocks the foundation of this great country. Why you left China to the States? Why you want your kids to grow up on this free land? Because opportunities from competition, that is the best way.
35 大 中 小 游客留言 IP: 69.118.x.x 2010/3/24 07:18
(.com) 医生的收入是用血汗换来的,是有点高,但是值得。
没有高工资,没有高质量。但是与Wallstreet 和CEO们比,九牛一毛!大部分钱让保险公司,药物公司,律师们拿走了,你我只有出钱的分。
Lengths of Some Residencies
All surgical specialties 5+ years
Obstetrics and Gynecology 4 years
Family medicine 3 years
Pediatrics 3 years
Emergency Medicine 3-4 years
Psychiatry 3 years
Read more: http://www.faqs.org/faqs/medicine/education-faq/part2/section-4.html#ixzz0j2oBOtZw
Some people have knee-jerk reflex when they hear government heavy-handedness. The merit of government involvement should be determined by the outcome only. We should look at the hard facts. The healthcare of America today is EXPENSIVE, inefficient and patient unfriendly.
As a nation, we spend more on healthcare PER CAPITA than any other rich nations in the world. This is a broke system and must be changed.
Obama's prescription is not a panacea. But it is the bitter pill we have to take to get this country back on track.
mamamia99, why you can't see this socialism rocks the foundation of this great country. Why you left China to the States? Why you want your kids to grow up on this free land? Because opportunities from competition, that is the best way.
田园乐 发表评论于
jjj7 发表评论于
support 918918's point. We leave China to move to US is to get a better life here. We work hard to make more money and already paid more tax for the country. Ob is trying to go to a socialist and make everybody evenly (poor in the long run). He is going it for his own polical gain and not for the ecomony for the country.
to 918918: How do you know "they are happy with their insurance"? I, for one, am not happy with my insurance at all, and I know many of my American colleagues share the same sentiment. The premiums have skyrocketed over the short past 10 years and the benefits keep shrinking year after year.
There are so many crooks in this healthcare food chain who have no value add but live off the premium contributions from the hard working Americans. This corrupt system must be reformed. I may end paying more. But an equitable, efficient health system will only make this world a better one for all.
85% American people have health insurance, and they are happy with their insurance. Because WE working hard, we have earned this benefit. If you believe health insurance is a huamn right, then it will be abused big time is near future. Sky high deficit, 70% tax for every middle class, maybe 80% to our children. Anyway, 2012 is not too far away, let's go to hell together!
$250,000 for joint couple?! We are not rich people. We have to cut expense to make all ends meet. The thing is after tax and morgage, almost nothing left. No way you can send kids to private school.
Quite soon, immigration reforms. Omaba needs more votes. We are working so hard for them, yeah, 很多都是懒虫.