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   不久前的周末参加了家附近社区的美国男童子军(Boy Scouts)100岁生日庆祝。在中国长大的轻舟对童子军很陌生,几年前雪城邻居的两个女孩是女童子军成员,她们每年圣诞前后在邻里义务销售小甜饼,那时我们家总要买几包。杰明小时候曾经参加童子军,搬到哈城后,觉得儿子需要这方面的训练,于是去年秋天安参加了社区的童子军组织,每周一晚上一个小时活动。






    童子军 The Boy Scouts of the United States 是一个民间组织,成立于1910年,今年2010年则是童子军建立100周年纪念日。童子军目前是美国最大的青年团体,成员超过100万人。童子军宗旨是将良好的价值观传授给少年儿童,诸如自尊、环保、爱人如己、公民意识及野外生存技能等,而这些价值观的传达是通过参加一系列户外活动而逐渐完成的,例如野营、登山、水上活动、帮助社区建立有益工程等。杰明妹妹的儿子马克去年秋天拿到了梦寐以求的童子军最高级别“雄鹰级”。马克的妈妈艾米告诉我们马克从6岁到16岁十年没有间断地参加各项童子军活动,一路晋升,终于取得了最高级,如今他义务帮忙年龄小的童子军。一天傍晚,艾米载我们到社区图书馆,馆前面树荫下有一条弯弯曲曲的石头小径,艾米自豪地告诉我们,这条小径是雄鹰级的童子军毕业作品之一。石头路花了孩子好几个周末的汗水铺成。夕阳林荫下,当我们在平坦的青石上漫步,霏和安更雀跃地从一块石头跳到另一块石头,原本对童子军陌生的轻舟体会到童子军对孩子成长,尤其是男孩子生存技能、自律能力、自信心、社区服务责任心等方面的培养很切实,也很有益。


(江天梦 译)来源: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4ab604ac0100cuk4.html


     童子军(The Boy Scouts of America,简称BSA)是美国童子军运动中成立的一个民间组织,在其他一些国家也有它的组织。BSA是美国最大的青年团体,成员超过100万人。BSA成立于1910年(1月8日),截至2005年底,成员已达2938698人,其中领导级成员1146130人,分属122582个基层组织。BSA主要接受由志愿者组成的管理委员会的管理,但在较高的组织级别上则聘请专职人员管理,某些商业性活动也由专人管理。







英文原文:The Boy Scouts of America

     The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is a United States Scouting organization, with some presence in other countries. The BSA is the largest youth organization in the United States; over one hundred million Americans have been members. Founded in 1910, the movement had a registered membership of 2,938,698 youth with 1,146,130 leaders in 122,582 units as of the end of 2005. The BSA is administered mostly by committees of volunteers, but employs professionals at the higher levels of administration and for commercial activities.

     The BSA sprang from the concerns of the progressive movement in the United States from people who sought to promote the social welfare of young men. The BSA adheres to the Scout method to teach values such as self-esteem, citizenship, and outdoorsmanship through a variety of outdoor activities such as camping, aquatics, and hiking.

     The BSA recognizes the achievements of Scouts through advancement in rank and various special awards. It includes several program divisions, targeted at boys ages seven through seventeen and young men and women ages fourteen through twenty-one. The BSA operates locally, through volunteer-led units such as troops, packs, and crews.

     Cub Scouting provides advancement opportunities throughout the program to help each Scout feel that he has accomplished something when completing an activity. Many advancements in Cub Scouting are of the "Immediate Recognition" type; that is they are designed to be given as soon as possible after the award is earned. Others are to be given ceremoniously at Pack meetings in front of all the Scouts in the unit and their parents.

     The Boy Scouting advancement system consists of a series of obstacles and the steps that boys must take to overcome them. The system is designed so that a Scout will plan his advancement and by participating in the troop program, be recognized as he overcomes each challenge. The Scout is rewarded at each step of the way, which is intended to develop self-confidence. The steps in the advancement system are designed to help him grow in self-reliance and the ability to help others. The highest level of Boy Scout advancement is the rank of Eagle Scout; an award considered by some to be so prestigious that many adults continue to list it as a major accomplishment or award on their resumes or CVs, many decades afer they were initially awarded the badge. Indeed, the rank of Eagle Scout is generally spoken of in the present tense, and it is not unusual, at Scout gatherings, to hear men in their 40s, 50s, 60's or even 70's, proudly proclaim: "I'm an Eagle Scout!"

     Scouting and Boy Scouts are well known throughout American culture. Eleven of the twelve men to walk on the Moon were Scouts. The "Pinewood Derby," for half a century "a celebrated rite of spring," has been named part of "America's 100 Best" by Reader's Digest magazine. President Gerald Ford said, "I can say without hesitation, because of Scouting principles, I know I was a better athlete, I was a better naval officer, I was a better Congressman, and I was a better prepared President."

