我在竞赛肖像画上花了约40天× 2小时/天 = 80小时,很慢,而且这是我的职业。
在这一领域相当成功的中国学者,李教授的成就引起我的注意。李自1990年以来已经推出了大量分析和阐述。我的想法,我想是更新更深的,但似乎较少概念。他的著作 给了我很好的发愤图强的例子和一些自信。
Horizontal comparison for my book project | 2010-03-03 09:07:02 |  |
I have worked on my competition portrait piece for about 40 days x 2 hours/day= 80 hours,quite slow regarding that this is my profession. It is hard to estimate its result for juror now, since more commercial factors involved.
Spent no much less time in vocabulary, but facing a more huge and complicated project, adding that I returned to my previous idea--to write a novel, I felt more of the exhausting burden of it.
A quite successful Chinese scholar in this area, prof. Li's achievements attracted my attention. Li has debuted since 1990 with elaborated analysis and with voluminous works. My idea, I think, is newer and deeper, yet seems with lesser concepts. His works gave me both good example for hard working and some self-confidence.