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附录:Struggling Palm may be an acquisition target

3/2/10 | Marketwatch

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Last week, investors saw about half a billion dollars in the market value of smartphone developer Palm Inc. disappear. Poof. Gone. Bye-bye.

Investor confidence, though, had been slipping for weeks, long before the big bombshell hit on Thursday, in the form of a revenue warning for the February quarter. Some on Wall Street had begun theorizing, based on retailer checks and other observations, that Palm's (PALM) new smartphones weren't quite the runaway hits investors were hoping for.

These fears were then confirmed when the Sunnyvale, Calif.-company warned on Thursday that its bet-the-company smartphone family, designed around its webOS software, was seeing "slower-than-expected consumer adoption." Fiscal third quarter revenue is now seen with a shortfall of around $80 million to $100 million. See full story on Palm's earnings warning.

For those counting on a big Silicon Valley turnaround under Palm's new management team, a big cash infusion in late 2008, and a well-received product lineup that started with the Pre -- launched, fittingly on the anniversary of D-Day -- hopes may be dashed.

"I think there is no second chance," said Trip Chowdhry, a Global Equities Research analyst. "They had a golden opportunity...They just surrendered it."

Because of Palm's cash burn rate and its ongoing losses, investors fear it could eventually face a liquidity crunch. It is now being talked about as a potential takeover target. And the most likely acquirers could be computer makers in need of a better foothold in the faster-growing mobile space.

"When you look down the road, there is going to be a reckoning between smartphones and notebooks and netbooks," said Chris Hazelton, research director, mobile and wireless at the 451 Group. "These PC makers need to look at where computing is going and a good portion of computing is going mobile. And Palm is a very good asset."

The most-oft cited PC makers with a marginal presence in mobile computing are Dell Inc. (DELL) and Hewlett-Packard Co. (HPQ). Dell, however, might have too much on its plate, as it is trying to recoup its lost market share in the PC business and look for growth in services with its recent acquisition of Perot Systems. The company also lifted the wraps on its own smartphone earlier this year.

But H-P is another story. While its PC business saw units of notebooks and desktop PCs grow in the double-digits last quarter, its handheld business fell. It sells expensive smartphones running Microsoft Corp.'s (MSFT) Windows mobile software under the old iPAQ brand it purchased in its acquisition of Compaq Computer.

The numbers are telling. Handheld sales in H-P's most recent quarter, ended January 31, fell to an abysmal $25 million, down sharply from $57 million a year ago.

Surely numbers-driven Chief Executive Mark Hurd is looking for ways for H-P to take advantage of the boom in smartphones. Buying Palm could be a way for H-P to get into the market for lower cost devices. It might have to abandon Windows, or offer two families of devices. H-P has often juggled competing product lines, diverse chip architectures and operating systems.

H-P has also shown more marketing savvy targeting products directly to women. Women are also a big installed base Palm has been trying to retain with the Pre. Its strange, laughable television ads and a mirror underneath the pull-out keyboard were some of Palm's not so successful attempts. See column on Palm ads here.

On the other hand, H-P's partnership with fashion designer Vivienne Tam and the resulting clutch netbooks were at least well-received stylistically, if not for their computing prowess (but then netbooks are not supposed to do very much).

In general, H-P has much more consumer marketing heft than Dell, and could help distinguish Palm in the fiercely competitive smartphone arena. Just a few years ago, it rebooted its PC business with redesigned systems, a huge focus on mobile, and a major campaign to make the PC personal again. These efforts helped the company trounce Dell, restore profitability, and become the world's largest PC maker.

At least two of the executives behind some of those moves have some connections to Palm. Todd Bradley, who heads up H-P's PC business, was previously the CEO of PalmOne, back when that business focused on Palm hardware. Bradley stepped down in 2005. Before that, Palm was also briefly part of 3Com Corp., (COMS), before it was spun off in an IPO in March, 2000. Last year, 3Com agreed to be acquired by H-P in a deal valued at $2.7 billion.

An H-P spokeswoman declined to comment.

Some analysts don't necessarily believe, however, that even a downtrodden Palm is a good deal. The company has a current market cap of about $1.2 billion, including the value of its preferred shares owned by private equity investor Elevation Partners.

"We do not believe there would be strategic buyers of Palm at current levels," wrote UBS analyst Maynard Um. He added, though, that if its valuation falls below $1 billion, there could be interest.

Other analysts were even less optimistic about its future. Matthew Hoffman, a Cowen & Co. analyst, wondered if Palm's webOS software is the first casualty of Google Inc.'s (GOOG) competing Android software. He wrote that Palm's revenue shortfall indicates that its "window to establish a lasting market presence with webOS may be closing."

Jim Suva of Citigroup does not see Palm as a target for H-P, Dell, Nokia Corp. (NOK), Microsoft or Motorola Inc. (MOT), noting his concern about the company's high cash burn rate. He added that he does not see profitability for Palm in his three-year model.

But if its shares get any cheaper, I don't think you can rule out some sort of deal.



