Under林贝卡(Family,Corp.)的Brothers & Sisters,Whether是经林贝卡允许了,还是没有允许

从活树到衣服 从永生到换洗
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上来的时候, 最好还是报上自己的姓名, whether it's only for a few hours or a day (or two), so people here in and out of WXC can get to know and can deal with you properly, and you can also enjoy your precious WXC experience fully and rather comfortably from every word you say or hear, every person you meet or come to you, and every 栏目 you turn into.

It wouldn't be healthy, for using a Name which is mismatching the person who's on at the moment, 会把看/读的人身心搞混乱, introducing chaos/diseases to our community, whether 当事人是有意的还是无意的。Meanwhile,  the wrong perception people's getting while they are confused,  as a consequence, can, as if 被用泥巴抹脸, 把脑袋搞黑, also be brought right back to the person who's pretending. What's the worthy to get such a 没头, 没脸的莫名其妙的sickness?

If the name was taken without 林贝卡's permission, then it'll be a case of 黑客打劫, WXC would have the right to take it back for 避免更进一步的破坏活动, wouldn't it? In such a case, the original owner, such as our 林贝卡 sister, may never can own or get her name back already.
