一点玩钱的小把戏- 在房贷利息高出8%时可以试试

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Say I have a platinum card account owing $50,000 from Bank A. I can deliberately make that happen since I have a lot of business spending per month.

Now, there are a lot of banks offer 0% rate credit transfer for six months. I may choose one with $0 Annual fee and apply for.When the home loan rate reaches 8%, it is time to play.

The half year's saving is

$50,000*8%/2 = $2,000

When 6 months finishes, change to another bank's credit card. When home loan is going higher, too bad! But this trick may give you a little bit relief.

The catch might be ....Check terms carefully. Play it when/only when you are capable of... Risk is yours.