
this blog is meant for my little precious
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宝宝说。。。。。1。那天宝宝又在那埋头写字,说要写个perfect W我看。写着写着不小心把手上的notepad掉下去了。我听见声音就问怎么啦。她回答:oh, i just dropped my document。7,竟然把那破notepad叫作document。2。那天,她把东西弄烂了。听我问怎么回事,立刻解释:mom,i broke it accidently. it was accident.(我好象没教过她accidently这字)3。上学经过边上一家小学时,她会在那唠叨:"mom, i am 3 years old, i go to preschool。oct 8th, i will be 4 years old , i will go to pre-k. 5 years old will be kindergarten, 6 years old will be grade 1, blah blah blah...,then i will be a BIG girl!!"
