
趣闻:毛新宇拟在他妈的大学建立“毛泽东思想系” 2008-11-20 23:31:00 作者: 云儿 "好主意!" 2008-11-21 06:25:10 [点击:9] 谁说应用型的职业学校,不宜开设毛泽东思想系?实在是鼠目寸光,没有商
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作者: b 《吃,少吃,尽量吃菜》----------科学害了人的一个极端例证!



这是Michael Pollan一本新书《捍卫食物----吃者宣言》的论点。该书的副标题非常精辟:

Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants



Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants


该作者的《botany of desire》(欲望植物研究)被翻译成了中文,大陆有出版,国内读者对他,应该不陌生。



Journalist Michael Pollan\'s polemic on the inherent and extensive problems with Western food culture argues that people should Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. He documents how the rise of nutritional science in the American food industry is actually the cause of high rates of obesity, diabetes, and heart conditions. Pollan eloquently discusses how the Western diet\'s focus on low-fat, processed foods filled with nutrients pulled from whole foods is the problem, not the solution. Including numerous scientific studies, the history of food production, and the food industry\'s carefully played machinations, Pollan unrolls a plan for how Americans can save themselves from a future filled with vitamin-infused soda and processed diet foods.