30年房屋贷款利率 From 5.04% To 5.31%

正如所料,10-year UST 利率4%,房贷利率上升,MBS降级,希腊债券没人要,这个夏天够热闹。

Today\'s release of the Mortgage Brokers\' Association of the Weekly Application Survey confirms that the average contract interest rate for the 30 Year Fixed Rate Mortgage has surged from 5.04% to 5.31%. Discussing this event, the MBA said:“Mortgage rates jumped last week as the Federal Reserve completed their purchases of mortgage-backed securities. Refinance application volume dropped as mortgage rates reached their highest level since August 2009. With rates surging on the back of the recently breach of 4% in 10 year rates, this has pretty much made sure the Fed will soon need to get involved again. A 1% rise in mortgage rates is equivalent to a loss of a few hundred billion in household net worth.

Moody\'s Downgrades $1.9 Trillion Of Subprime RMBS


zytang 发表评论于
好啊, 终于有新东西看了, 谢谢

"30 年房屋贷款利率 From 5.04% To 5.31% "

