How do I trade part-time over 1 million in annual profits

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1. Be part-time

Is part-time because I started to do after graduation network is almost 10 years now, but do trade for less than 5 years. My wife and children / house cars are earned by doing the network, but to do foreign trade made me a more adequate local economy to more leisure travel.

2. Amoy a good wife

With the Internet, to do foreign trade provided a great convenience. She can make me very easy to gather buyers information, e-mail / even if the communication / Internet telephony and so on.

3. The same network, not the same as wife

Some people do foreign trade through the network to open on the car, but most only hydrolysis thirst scouring the bottle. Me joined the row, I am a senior, gave me a website, I found a lot of foreign countries through its customers.

4. I am not the same office wife with others

Just started doing foreign trade in order to save some money, too lazy point, only to mail the guests, the result very little feedback, little signing rate.

Later I found that because the world is not the same economic level, the guests are different ages, the degree of access to and use of the network are not the same. Those economically backward areas / age of larger customers, they rarely use e-mail, but this really is about the efficiency of the guests, they are not afraid to spend money, something on the fax, is more anxious to do direct phone or cell phone. Our domestic suppliers are miserly few coins in his pocket, do not bother to make international long distance. Effect is obvious.

Understand, I start building a bilingual website, is not afraid to spend money sent samples, but the web site and e-mail fax to customers in the shortest possible time after receiving a feedback from the guests. How have to send samples of 3-5 days to receive it, so not efficient.

Then collected from the network selection information to the buyers, finishing a good start after the valuable information faxed to customers, so customers can see immediately the company of people of my information and give customers send fax successfully hit a telephone, to deepen the impression of yourself to the guests, the way customers look at market conditions, 3-5 minutes. After that I get is: 40% response rate, 25% inquiry rate of 5-10% signing rate of harvest can be described as quite good.

5. Afraid to spend money on the other a wife

Many of my friends do not trade an important reason for success is the fear of spending money. Not bear a child sets not live wolf, do not pay how can harvest. When beginning to do foreign trade, I sent samples to the guests, spent 2700, the results of a

Week guest on the next single, 25 days after I got to do foreign trade earned by the pot of gold 10085. No point fighting spirit, you can support any kind of wife and kids, I often think so.

6. Guests lover

Network is a long-term, is the wife. But the guests do not necessarily, and lovers. How long and nurturing lover, is also very simple. Shipping and seriously seriously seriously again, to ensure that customers do not want quality goods. Documents, carefully re-consider carefully carefully to ensure that customers get a smooth delivery. Money, in the cruel cruel cruel, can not receive money Do not let a single, kowtow crying father is out. Study, learn every day, no capital, how to Hiring an additional lover.

