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唵啊吽 发表评论于

I do not agree your arguments. It was true many people died during Cultural Revolution and I agree Communist government was responsible for that. Chinese people and Communist China have all admitted that. Just like every year many people died of gun crime in US. US people and government admit the fact and everybody know that it’s the reasonability of US government to reduce the gun crimes. When you said Communist China kills more people than Nanking massacre, however, is just the same as to said that democratic America kills more American than 911 attract, as every year about 10 thousands of American was killed in gun crimes.

The difference between Culture Revelation as well as three years of disaster and Nanking massacre is just the same as between US gun crimes and 911. One is due to social instability and government policies, and other is due to foreign invasion. During Culture Revolution, the death rate is much higher for government officials and CCP officials than the rate in other group. When you said communist China kills more people than Nanking massacre is just like to say Democratic America is killing more America than 911. During three years of disaster, many poor Chinese died of hunger, Chinese people know that, and Chinese government know that, and they all know something is not correct, just like US people know that so many gun crimes in US is not correct. There are more poor people died in three years of disaster than government officials is just like there are more poor people fall as gun crimes victims in US. There must be some communists died during three years of disasters, and many who died have relatives as communists. As you know, during civil war in China, it was the most poor who joint the Communist Party. And 1959 was only 10 year after civil war and majority of Chinese population was still in countryside. At that time, most of government and party officials were come from the countryside and come from poor families. If you really want to say someone intentionally killed Chinese people during 1959-1961 and Cultural Revolution, then it should be United States and Soviet Union. They succeed in putting economic sanction on China, which led to humanitarian disasters indirectly.

Communist China is bad. Chinese know it. But Chinese are not foolish enough to overthrow it, as they know that the present China is still the best among all other forms of governments they tried since Opium War. Since Opium War, Chinese tried democracy under Sun Yet-sent but all the Western countries just support local war lords in China to extent their state interest at the expense of Chinese democracy and at the expense of Chinese people. That’s why Dr. Sun turned to Soviet and welcomed Communist in China.

In the last a few decades, poverty population reduced all over the world, and China made the number one contribution. Many poor peasants of yesterday are now rich entrepreneurs in China, thanks to market economy adapted by Communist China. Regardless your label of China as communist or capitalist, the present China works for the better of Chinese and the world.

Also, I am not satisfied by your answer. I am asking the name who was responsible for Nanking massacre as people name Hitler for the responsibility of massacre of Jews. You should name Shōwa for the responsibility of Naking massacre. Every year, when people condemn the massacre of Jews during WWII they condemn Hitler. Hitler is notorious all over the world, while the emperor family of Japan who is responsible for Nanking massacre is still enjoying inherited high social privilege. It is against all the human morality. I believe man should be born equal and inherited social privileges should be discarded. Especially the one who is responsible for the Nanking massacre.
HCC 发表评论于
Excuse, me, did you even read what I wrote? From your response I could only presume you have no idea what I said in my last response. But if you insist on a response, then here:

(1): Exact opposite to your presumption, here's what I am really asking:

GCD caused far more deaths of the Chinese people than the Japanese. So, please answer me: why don't you think the GCD should be responsible for its actions?

(2): Are you asking me who was responsible for the Nanking massacre? Of course it's the Japanese government! (Do you not know that? Are you really Chinese?)

(3): Sorry but I do admit that I don't know very many Chinese "surfer" or the "surfering" that they do. Surfing looks fun although I've never tried it. If you know so much about surfing since the opium war, you are welcome to write an article about it too.

(If there's something you want to say, why don't you say it in Chinese. I can read and understand it.)
唵啊吽 发表评论于
I can see where you are heading to. What you imply is that Chinese was beeter off by living under Japanese occupation than living in Communist China.What I can say is that you are out of touch with reality.

By the way, you still cannot name the one who was responsible for Naking Massacre, despite that you cited so many Western Media reports.

Come on, say it. I would also like to hear from you who is reaponsible for the surfering of Chinese since Opium War and before Communist ever come into China, from the West!
HCC 发表评论于
(1): The GCD government is responsible for the death of ten of millions of the Chinese people. Is it okay because some of them happen to be communist as well?

(2): On the other hand, many of the ones who starved during the Great Leap Forward were not party members. Mind you, more Chinese people died during 1958-1961 than during the Nanking massacre.

(3): If you don't even care about the death of your own people, why should the western media care?

(4): On the other hand, the western media is aware of the sacrifices of the Chinese people. Take Nanking massacre, for example. There is an abundance of western media reporting on it. I would suggest you to first look at the following before claiming "western media did not report":

From Times:

From BBC:

From Newsweek:

A film on Nanking massacre, made and directed by Americans:

Here's another one:

(5): "the sacrifice Chinese people made during II World War and the surfers Chinese endured since opium war." ?

I will admit that I do not know much about the "surfers" that the Chinese had to endure since opium war. I will agree with you and presume that they surfed really poorly.
mae 发表评论于
唵啊吽 发表评论于
Your statement of "The communist China itself killed millions and millions of its own people, first in 1958-1961, and then 1966-1976." omits something too. You should say that the communist China itself killed millions of communists during 1966-1976.

But thanks for ask me to add another example: When the western media loves to talk about the humanity disasters during 1958-1961 and 1967-1976 in China, they are unwilling to mention the sacrifice Chinese people made during II World War and the surfers Chinese endured since opium war.

Your second point is just confused yourself and readers. My article is talking media, and you change it to government. Just because U.S. congress passed a resolution to condemn Japan for the Nanking massacre doesn’t mean the media will talk about it. In fact, the media may distort the reality to the opposite. For example, U.S. government state several times that Taiwan and Tibet are part of China, while media create a impression that Taiwan and Tibet are separate countries from China. Yes, U.S. congress passed a resolution to condemn Japan for the Nanking massacre, but how many time it mention Nanking massacre when condemning Fascists brutal acts during II world war? Mostly they just condemn Hitler. We all know Hitler is bad for killing Jewish people, but how many people know the name who is responsible for Nanking massacre just like people know Hitler when taking about Jewish’s misery? Can you tell me the name who is responsible for Nanking massacre?

HCC 发表评论于

You seem to have forgotten the fact that the "China" back then was overtaken by the communist "China" later. The communist China itself killed millions and millions of its own people, first in 1958-1961, and then 1966-1976. I don't see that being remembered in your articles either.

Not to mention, you also seem to have forgotten that the U.S. congress passed a resolution to condemn Japan for the Nanking massacre. Your allegation against the West for neglecting the suffering of the Chinese is not supported by clear evidence to the contrary.
julienmum 发表评论于
河里的石头1 发表评论于