

上个星期开始戴隐形眼镜, 才发现现在的隐形眼镜各式各样啊。

大学的时候可是20/20, 就是中国的1。5, 工作了开始有些下降, 但是医生也说不戴眼镜也行。 后来生了孩子再测就需要戴眼镜了。 戴了一年多, 实在是不方便。 就跟水蛇同学说的那样, 最讨厌的是吃汤面, 赫赫, 两眼镜片的水蒸气。 滑雪的时候只能戴墨镜, 一蒙滑下坡, 居然也没有撞树上, 咔咔。 还有就是最近3D电影特别多, 我是3D眼镜套近视眼镜外面, 多不方便就多不方便, 角落还不清楚。

上个星期终于下定决心考察隐形眼镜, 主要是要去Cozumel snorkel了, 不戴眼镜看不清楚鲨鱼来临, 戴了不方便, 潜水镜起水气的时候, 还可能沉海底。

可惜在医生那里戳了30分钟就没有办法戴进去。 两眼红红地回家了。 郁闷至极。 好在第二天练习, 把右眼戴进去了, 然后第三天把两只眼镜都戴进去了。

现在医生介绍的是戴30天的。 每天要洗洗泡泡, 挺麻烦的。 我有个朋友就是戴30天的, 一年几次眼睛发炎。 让人怕怕。 我现在每天跟做手术那么严格地洗手才敢戴取。

还有一个朋友戴30天日夜可以戴的, 所以戴一次进去, 从来不用取, 30天后扔掉。 但是据说眼睛会缺氧。

还有天天扔的。 不过听说太薄, 不合适新手乱戳。

不知道你们有什么可以介绍? 还有1-800-contacts可信吗? 谢谢!! g

小葡萄妈妈 发表评论于
My husband started wearing glasses at a young age. he had Lasik back in 2008 and he's been loving it since. He also complained about lower night vision.

I love contact lenses more than glasses. It's just day and night.
cncjcc 发表评论于
My word "p-r-e-s-c-r-i-p-t-i-o-n" got abbreviated to "preion".
cncjcc 发表评论于
I wore contacts from high school all the way till my second child was born. My sight was 1000 & 800, so I was nearly blind :) Anyway, around 2002, I got laser surgery from the doctor who did Tiger Woods with a friend's positive recommendation. Laser surgery is probably good for someone like me, but I still feel very unconfortable driving at night. Since 2002, my sight regress back to 20/40, but I could still drive during the day without glasses. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Back to contacts, I would NOT recommend you using any online store, like 1-800-contacts. I can't remember if I used them, but when I was in college and poor, I used one of those places and was later told by my optometrist that the preion wasn't even exactly mine! They apparently used something similar, so I couldn't tell the difference.

My younger daughter took after me with really bad sight. I have put her on night contacts called Ortho-K, but my older daughter's ophthalmologiest is TOTALLY, adamantly against wearing contacts at night (for anyone, young or adults). I feel like I am taking a risk, but I hate her having to wear thick glasses from elementary school.