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也不知该主是大赚了呢还是赔惨啦? 不管咋样,是不是至少给俺汇报一下儿表现, 咱也好总结总结经验不是? 哪怕是朝俺砸两块砖呢,咳!


~~ 战火熊熊已两周有余,您还没弄清抢炮如何使唤. 好个临阵磨枪! 真感兴趣,先在战壕里考察战情. anyway, #1, do your paper trading on yahoo finance for a while to get a TRADE sense (don't claim you are a long term investor); 这叫实习. # 2: once you open a brokerage acct, try understand every links, especially trade terms, like limit order, GTC, P/E, etc.. create a watch list, pay a close attention to it. #3: time for 演习. try place an order (真格的呵) to buy any stock for total cost of $100 or less, but without hitting "" button. Practice that many many times until your hands are not shaking. Now your are ready to hit that magic button "", 冲锋陷阵. 若落花流水,一败涂地,本主概不负责. 现如今,俺周围的残兵败将,海啦去了. 明知山有虎,偏向虎山行. 人生难得的一种阅历,也许吧! Good luck!