我看了很好啊,简洁明了,要考虑时间场合地点,要做到言简意赅,让人找不出破绽,不用一句话5,6个形容词,外交官不是推销员。"英语非常好""可能不输于美国人" 没错啊,“在网上为了一句话争来争去没有意义,这也不是我想讨论的重点。”到此为止, HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND!
去NY的中国领事馆办签证,领事馆的女工作人员,对我说,你的父母入籍后有否回国过?我说这是第一次,她非常地不耐烦地说,去问领事,回家拿最近的中国护照,不要问了,走吧。后来找到了贴在墙上的告示,的确是要求带原本的护照,其他没有说什么。第二天,排队又是同一个女工作人员,她拿着中国的护照对着我说英语‘two-ten’,我问她我不明白‘two-ten’是什么意思,她再重复一遍‘two-ten’,我突然想起来就问‘是不是要复印?’她点头说是。我就每个复印了一份,回去排队前面两位老外女士都说她‘not so friendly’都有点怕她接待,因为他们也是反复来回了几次,都说这个女工作人员都说不清楚和明白。又是她接待我,然后又说‘two-ten’我说我不明白‘two-ten’,她说‘two-two’,我再问她是不是每一个护照复印两份,她说‘yes’。语调很硬。其实第一天去我们没有带原本的护照,只要她跟我们说清楚,要带原本护照并且每个护照复印两份,再过来办。我们就不用排几次队了。墙上的告示也不说,工作人员不说明白而且不耐烦不友好很粗鲁态度使人很难受。记得若干年前,Sydney的领事馆只开3个小时早上9点到中午12点,很多人抱怨,其中一个男的工作人员大声地回答公众的询问,说‘你们去世界任何地方的领事馆,都是下午不办公’大言不惭。又如,Sydney的领事馆要人们上网去预约,但是那个网页是死的,没有时间显示和选择,又进不去预约。写着告示说按照国际惯例和方便大众,只接受网上预约,或者去新成立的签证服务中心。一幅冠冕堂皇的面孔。逼着人们要额外多给钱给指定的服务中心去办签证。读了楼主的文章替领事馆的官员说话。又想到自己在领事馆的几次遭遇。我倒是想希望他们不要那么板着面孔吆喝着人们。不知道什么时候他们会带着笑脸面对大家。或者在里头干活很少出外接触外边的世界?感到闷和苦恼?
吃勿消侬 发表评论于
MADAM FU YING 可以GOOGLE她写的文章,我想LZ文章里面讲的就是你们吧,真够丢人的。
ok, he knows the law, he is smart and his English must be excellent, then why did he make the stupid mistake of "driving away after he was stopped".
In this country after you are stopped by cop, never try to get out of the car to approach cop, never try to drive away before the cop lets you do it, it can be interpreted by cop that you may be a drug dealer, criminal who tries to run away from cop. This is common sense. This country gives cop very very much flexibility in using gun. They can even shoot when they see you drive away after being stopped.
The point is -- Yu did a very stupid thing. Now we can say "even Yu was wrong in that, the cops still should not enter the property." That's right, I agree with you. But, tell you this, if I were the cop and the guy ran away in front of me, I would be opissed off too and would try to "punish" this runner. When I saw the building I would say "This guys pretends he didn't see me, let me pretend I didn't know where it is, let's get this guy cuffed and I will say I don't know where I am later, let's see who is going to lose today.". Come on, human are human, they can easily get personal.
My point is--- Don't do such stupid thing, you can say you don't know what cops are going to do so you drive away, those mean cops can say they didn't know what building it is, people are all mean, if you have 100% confidence you are going to win do whatever you want. otherwise, at that moment, handcuff and guns are in their hands, you got beaten first anyway, do you like that ?
有一段让我笑了.楼主你得先证明前外交部长李肇星和现在的外交部长傅莹的英文"非常好""可能不输于美国人",r u kidding me ?前外交部长李肇星不太讲英语,虽然喉舌报把他的英文水平吹的云里雾里,可我始终担心他的英文比山东腔的中文还差10万八千里,不太敢讲?至于现外交部长傅莹的英文,youtube上去找来听听,自己判断判断? 有的事情可以乱吹,有的事情是常识,乱吹可容易被揭穿啊