
老外有句俗语: Appearance could be deceiving.

翻译成中文, 大概是说, 人不可貌相. 不能从一个人的表面反映, 去做出任何的判断.

面试, 与为人处事一样, 需要:
1.凭事实和能力, 根据事实作出判断
3.只有在既没有事实, 也没经验的时候, 才根据感觉去判断.这也就是人们常说的感情用事.

经过几个面试, 总结以下几点:

1.主管决定一切, 其他的人只不过是走过场, 给人一种民主化择优录用的感觉.
2.ON-site 面试一般有三位候选人. 经过前几轮的筛选, 主管心目中已经有最合适的候选人. 面试的结果, 80%的概率是排在第一位的候选人入选.(许多人误以为, 自己有1/3的概率, 其实不然)
3.如果第一位的候选人有更好的职位, 或者只是用另一个职位与原来的公司争取升迁, 或者在面试时, 出现原则性的失误(迟到半小时以上), 机会才会给第二位的候选人.
4.白人都是笑面虎, 中国人比较直接, 尤其是学理工科的. 白人给你笑脸的时候, 心里说的会是”不”.
5.面试就象买东西, 如果主管没有与你谈工资待遇, 要references, 你就毫无希望.

写这个贴, 想说的是, 面试拿不到offer, 很正常. 不必怨天尤人. 每次失败之后, 我就自我麻痹, 大言不惭地说, 天将降大任于斯人. 然后好好睡一觉, 从头再来.

只有从失败中总结经验, 把面试当作一种不断学习, 不断进步的过程, 才能够在面试的时候应付自如, 苦尽甘来, 笑在最后. :)

孤独求爱 发表评论于
BLOG的好处在于:仁者见仁, 智者见智, 各抒己见, 互通有无
sure2005 发表评论于
I am also the hiring manager. The hiring manager is the major role player (80% of decision). If he/she says "no", you have no chances at all no matter how much others like you, becasue you are working for him/her. If the hiring manager likes you, he/she will listen to other's opinion. Usually others only give the hiring manager some suggestion, no one will definitely say "no" because it is none of their business.

First impression is very important. Usually I decide to hire someone based on the first instance, not based on your 30 minute talk. First several questions or your introduction is very important. Your personality usually can be judged from your introduction. Your skills can be trained but your personality has no way to be changed. This is very important in the teamwork.

Good luck to you.
smileymoon 发表评论于
主管决定一切.-- Not really. I was a hiring manager and I also helped other hiring managers decide who should be hired. Based on my experience, an applicant should try to do his/her best in every interview, whether it's with the manager or other seemingly less important people. ON-site 面试一般有三位候选人-- Usually more than that. 白人都是笑面虎 -- It's about being professional and polite. 如果主管没有与你谈工资待遇, 要references, 你就毫无希望-- Sometimes, that is done by HR, not by the hiring manager.
孤独求爱 发表评论于
世界各地的风土人情不一样, 我指的是职业中遇到的白人(不含朋友关系)
ny2009 发表评论于
偶灯斯陋 发表评论于
3cmm 发表评论于
All well said! Esp. 主管决定一切.