Mother’s Day “成绩单”

早上到小儿的Day Care,拿到我Mother’s Day “成绩单”

===All about My Mommy===

* My mommy’s name is … xxx xxx

* My mommy is … 27 … years old (碰到这种事情,最聪明的应对是,闷声大发财。让错误继续吧)

* My mommy’s favorite TV show is … cooking shows (倒~ 这是说我还是他自己啊)

* My mommy’s favorite color is … purple & pink (这是说他班里的小女生吧)

* My mommy makes the best … food – the best rice (这,这,这,含金量也太低了吧)

* My mommy loves to … cook (ok … I got the point!)

* My mommy’s favorite animal is … zebra (???,莫非是因为我那件衣服?)

* My mommy is the best mommy because … she makes the best rice. (就这个啊?我到底是该庆祝呢,还是检讨呢?)

总结,可见我要给孩子做饭的目标,so far, 是达标及格。


反思,反思 。。。

vegetablecar 发表评论于
lmao soo cute