Mortgage is simple interest (房贷的利息是单利,不是复利)


如果你借了50万,利息6%,那么你的第一个月利息为: $50万 * 6% / 12 = 2500元。

不过,为了使您的贷款在30年后减到零,你需要额外的支付约 500美元为本金。额外支付的本金,使您的贷款余额下降,直到360月后减少到零。


基本上,你借过多少钱,你需要支付利息。给你一个极端的例子。如果您的余额明天全部还清,那么你不需要支付利息。不过,如果你只支付利息,那么你的本金就 不会减少,即使在10,20,30年以后,你的本金仍然不变。

很多人说,大约只有在利率减少0.5%的时候,才可以重新贷款。这是以前的旧传统。如果你必须支付$ 3000-5000的费用,而且每月省 $40,那么您要75-125个月,才能达到盈亏平衡点。由于在美国,人们平均每7年搬一次家,75-125个月显然太长了。然而,如果每月省 80/mon,那么你只需要38-63个月恢复,这是好多了。

对你的情况,由于是零费用重贷,计算非常简单。所有的saving是实际的saving。你唯一要考虑的是,是否值得麻烦。请记住,你需要找到所有的文件 (W2,工资单存根,其他资产,信用报告,房产评估)。而且你可能要支付房产评估有关的费用。您的银行可以给你更多的信息。



Mortgages in US are simple interest. This means following:

If you have 500K principle at 6%, your interest for 1st month is:  $500k * 6% / 12 = $2500.

However, to make your loan go to zero after 30 years, you need to pay about $500 extra for principle. The extra payment makes your principle decrease, until it reaches zero after 360 monthly payment.

At the beginning, your balance is high, this means your interest is high in the payment, and the principle part is small. However, this doesn't mean the interest is not simple.

Basically, how much ever you borrow, you need to pay interest. Give you an extreme example. If you pay off all your balance tomorrow, then you'd not need to pay interest. However, if you only pay interest, then your principle will never decrease, even after 10, 20, 30 years, your principle remain unchanged.

The old saying about only re-fi after 0.5% decrease is based on the old tradition of paying closing cost. If you have to pay $3000-5000 closing, it'll take, in your case, 75-125 months to recover that, thus the break-even point. Since in US, on average people move every 7 years, this saving is small. However, let's say if your saving is 80/mon, then you only need 38-63 month to recover, which is much better.

In your case, since the re-fi is zero closing cost, the math is much simple. All the saving is real saving. The only thing you need to consider is if it's worth the trouble. Remember, you need to get all the documents (w2, pay stub, other assets, credit report, appraisal). And you probably have to pay for appraisal out side of closing, though your loan office would give you a better idea.

So, yes, the saving is real, for zero closing cost re-fi. However, you need to think if $40 is worth your time. This is really a personal choice.

Hope this helps.