why you are here and I am here

Why I am here and why you are here? My answer to this question is that we are living in the same era. Many people lived before us and many will come after us, we have a chance to read or hear about few of those who lived before us, but we will not know those who come after us. But here we are, you and me, we can know each other or even enjoy each other. But why, since we live in the same era. We are not sure how and when this whole thing started and we are not sure how and when this will end, but we are here. I am here because I would like to share my life with others, and you are here because you are reaching out.

Famous people automatically share their life with other people either they like it or don’t. Ordinary people (I am one) may only share their life with family and friends. But apparently that is not enough. What define one’s life? The era they live. And what define the era people live? The other people who live in the same era. We need to know the people who live with us and we need to share our life with them. It is the only way we live our life.

So, you are here and I am here, it is good since we are living our lives. Life is beautiful because of you and me and our connection and our meeting here.

Thank you and let us know each other.
