我们总是讲,做人是要有担待的。一个国家,一个政府,也是要有担待的。打了人家的国家,受到报复是再自然的反应不过,不要装天真装惊奇装愤怒。如果不想遭报复,就不要先去欺负人。欺负人了还不让还手,你除非把人家手都剁了。剁了手人家拿脚踢,砍了脚人家拿牙咬。只要有不公,有仇恨,报复是很难避免的。做老大的,你就不能悠着点儿,给人家留一点生路,留一点利益,留一点面子吗?最近围观同学发出了振聋发聩的弱者呼声“ 长的不比别人更防弹,就别赶尽杀绝”,应该算是 live and let live 的超强版意译吧。
I intuitively felt it already, from my experience, obeservation and reading about Indians. Thank you very much for posting those comments here. It is very clearly written.
My take is: no matter how bad a habit looks like, it must have been adaptable at some time point in the history. Now the situation changed (time and country), the habit must change. If it does not change, then it will not be adaptable any more, or may even cause severe problems.
This case is just one extreme example.
Residency is an old style training system. It is hard. But I really don't see we have a way to get around it, because this is a training for doctors whose will make independent medical decisions after the training, and that decision may be related with life and death.
Some residency programs are really mean to the residents, that for sure need change.
I intuitively felt it already, from my experience, obeservation and reading about Indians. Thank you very much for posting those comments here. It is very clearly written.
My take is: no matter how bad a habit looks like, it must have been adaptable at some time point in the history. Now the situation changed (time and country), the habit must change. If it does not change, then it will not be adaptable any more, or may even cause severe problems.
This case is just one extreme example.
nightrose 发表评论于
Here is an interesting comment posted somewhere online about the news. It draws linkage between the caste system and some Indians' tendency to treat subordinates badly.
'The key point of my comment is how we can prevent such things happening again!
The killing is a tragedy. However, there is quite a portion of Indian people right here in North America, maybe because of the habits from the Caste system, they just want to step on top of others, especially of east Asian people, partly because of east Asian peoples’ poor English and partly their cultural humbleness, specifically more harsh to Chinese people maybe further because of the competition and there was a war between the two countries. Many many Chinese people actually experienced bad treatment, tricks and traps from Indian colleagues and supervisors, but unfortunately, their poor English blocked these to be known by public.
Again, Killing is absolutely the worst. However, what had happened before that in Kingsbrook Hospital which initiated the tragedy? Hope those will also be fully investigated and uncovered, and let the world know the truths! This may be the best way to prevent such things happen again!
To Indian readers: please treat people equally between individuals and ethnic groups! This is North America!
I do believe that there are Indian people whose minds have already been fully out of the darkness of the notorious Caste system and can treat people equally between individuals and ethnic groups. Hoping this portion increases fast! This is where our hope lies in preventing such things happening again."
Thnak you for your support.
I hope you agree with me not just because of riverside. There are 10 riverside cities in US. Mine was not in NY.
lovelybird 发表评论于
I agree with you. We use to live in riverside, new york.