再说未婚的女孩子找老公,我听到的象张斌前女友这样明知对方有妻室还勇往直前的太多了。我的印象是最后多半是害人害己。记得我的一个美国女友在约会时有一个原则 - 先搞清楚对方是否 available 。绝对不找结婚的。她觉得这样是在保护自己。中国的女孩子怎么这么不会保护自己呢?
曾经很喜欢听一个很著名的美国女心理医生 Dr. Joy Browne 的节目。她每天都有固定时间在电台回答人们打电话来咨询的各种各样和 relationship 有关的心理问题。一天有一个男人问他和他的女朋友相处的一个问题, Dr. Joy 发现他是已婚身份,不回答他的问题发而严厉地问他:“ Are you available? ” 这个男人想绕过这个问题,继续述说他想问的有关 relationship 的问题,但 Dr. Joy 不让他过关,继续让他回答这个问题,直到他无奈地回答,不 available. Dr. Joy 说,你没有资格再谈女朋友。下一个(指下一个来电话问问题的听众)。这个心理医生认为这个男人下面的问题都免谈了。
结了婚的男人 available 吗?不!根本没资格再和一个女孩谈情说爱。因为他们不能给爱他们的女人一个未来和完整的幸福。为什么中国这么多已婚男人还又这么多女孩倒追,因为这些女孩子利令智昏,她们自以为自己可以抢到别人的男人,但不知道高一尺,魔高一丈。人算不如天算。但这些中国的成功男人呢?他们缺点什么?
希望中国出现像Dr. Joy Browne这样能在relationship方面给予正确的指导性建议的专家(不是李银河那样的)。目前中国的新价值主要领导者-中国的新闻媒体和文学电影界,自身就是没有正确概念没有底线的。他们在让整个社会陷入更深的混乱中。这几年回国看电视剧,太多第三者的爱情故事,或者就是皇帝后宫三千,妻妾成群的故事。再就是选美大赛。先不说大人,在这这种价值环境下长大的孩子们将来会怎样看待他们自身的价值和relationship?
greentree01 发表评论于
You are truly low quality -- unwilling to face problems.
I knew Chinese women's problems long before I married my wife.It is not what you wrong statement "saying bad things about Chinese women before married a foreign woman."
Grape? Do yourself a favor-Do not make yourself a laughstock. Rotten grape is not even worth to take a look, understand? The bad smell stinks!
My understaning and comments about Chinese women are deep and to the point. That's why you are jumping!!! 你这70后的小粪精,只有面对现实才能成熟。
"dating white chicks"(这是您的原话,俺从来不管任何一个种族的女人叫chicks.), 既然在国外,可以理解。有一点您说的对,统计上说,外国女人比中国女人更不把离婚当回事,这就从一个方面解释了您提到的中国女人的material。外国女人离婚,她们不把好好养育孩子的问题做为主要因素考虑,而且他们的法律很保障她们自己的经济权益。而中国女人呢?很多首先想到的是孩子,大人可以喝点西北风,可是谁忍心让自己的孩子跟着喝?而且正如您所说的中国历史和国情,在婚姻方面对女性的权益保护不够,在传统方面对离婚女尤其是离婚有孩女的歧视甚于国外。这就解释了很多女人在结婚前必须考虑一些实际的因素。当然有些女人的物质是为了自己的享乐,比如那些蜂拥palyboy创始人和热衷参加富豪相亲的中外女人,可是还有相当一部分人是因为雌性的本能,就好比在动物界,很多雌鸟都把雄鸟是否已经筑好巢作为与之交配的重要条件一样,为了给下一代有个物质保障,使之不用喝西北风。毕竟,生育对于雌性来说付出远远比雄性大得多。从这个角度来说,女人拜金和男人拜色就比较好理解,色可以激发男人的交配欲望,金可以给女人解决后顾之忧,至少在怀孕哺乳的时候不用太操心,有了小宝宝也可以多陪陪。
ak4776239 发表评论于
I am actually dating white chicks here. I avoid Chinese women since they are mostly Material Girls. (www.youtube.com/watch?v=MX1Q48Uqses)
I was trying to explain the root reason for the differences between western culture and Chinese culture. That is why the dicorce rate is so high here in America and the popularity of one man/multiple women relationships in China.
In western culture, you can only marry one woman. If you want another woman, you have to divorce the current one.
In Chinese culture, you can have multiple wives. It had been in this way for 5000 years until 1949.
We, Chinese men, don't have any faults. This is in our celebrated rich culture, in our blood, in our genes. You have no rights to judge us based on western culture.
In western culture, you can only marry one woman. If you want another woman, you have to divorce the current one.
In Chinese culture, you can have multiple wives. It has been in this way for 5000 years until 1949.
We, Chinese men, don't have any faults. This is in our celebrated rich culture, in our blood, in our genes. You have no rights to judge us based on western culture.
To 6ba6: 你以为你是谁啊!多学点多看点吧,稳定的婚姻的最大受益者是下一代!这就是为什么凡是女性地位高的国家或地区人种一般进化得更好身体素质包括长相更好的原因,否则大家都随便玩玩,女人也很乐意,孩子都不管不教,随他们成长成什么样。最后倒霉的不仅是孩子,不负责任的男女老了也无所靠,整个家庭社会玩完。看看国男到西方世界后的剩男猥琐样吧,也只有在中国当土霸王玩玩土鳖女了。
These chinese men feel highly superior in front of girls, or they feel they can do anything without be punished, because it's becoming part of chinese's culture, without shame;so pathetic! what about the offspring? How they will look at the so called model fore fathers? Damn shit!
Quarx 发表评论于
nice article. may I ask what's the name of 'two famous chinese woman' of your friends?
This is why many Chinese men abroad feel less confident and unattractive in front of foreign women, but back to China they all feel comfortable and super-confident, in particular among those young girls.