You still own me $3.00

This morning, my wife got to go to work ealier and XiaoMeng was still sleeping when mommy left home. So mommy left a meesage to Xiaomeng.

Dear Shaomeng,

Thank you for your kind note. Your words, like sunshine and rainbowl, always delight my day.

I love you with each and every day.



And ShaoMeng responded to mommy with two hearts on top and bootom of the note.

Dear Mommy,

I am welcome. Thanks for your kind note.

P.S. You stillown me $3.00.

Love Shaomeng.

The story was that mommy and Shaomei, eolder sister, had an argument last night, and ShaoMeng heard in her room. so Shaomeng wrote a note to mommy and put the note under mommy's pillow.

The note says" This gets away with your anger. Love, ShaoMeng" and with a piece of canddy in the note.

yes, we are very blessed to have such two wonderful and lovely girls. They are just so beautiful.