由mess around想起,提醒学英语因地制宜要探讨:)

夜浴深秋对明月, 遥系温馨问他乡
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昨天只顾mess around with other topics but ignored this so-called English study. 今天想起来,向提醒大家一句,这些个idiom or slang 很多时候是不能断章取义的,要因地制宜,要看语境,要看上下文。以昨天的mess around 为例,大家一边倒或者误导地认为mess around 就是fool around, 就是sleep around.

mess around 几乎等于 fool around 是对的,因为这两个phrases 依上下文语境都含不同意义,但绝不能说完全等同于sleep around。

语言是在不断发展的,尤其是时髦用语或说slang,这个mess around也一样。mess around 在7、80年代盛行用于指sleep around 或者偶尔指 hook up with somebody的意思,可是现在很少有人用它来特指 sleep around。所以,如果偶然看见或想到这个词现在还有人这么用这个意思,那么现在来看确实是偶然,也或者这个人的岁数不小了。




mess around



1. intransitive verb waste time: to waste time in an unproductive or aimless manner ( informal )

2. intransitive verb relax: to spend time in a leisurely and pleasant manner ( informal )

3. transitive verb interfere: to interfere or meddle in something ( informal )

Don't mess in their business.

4. intransitive verb behave in unserious way: to joke or behave playfully ( informal )

I thought he was just messing around.

5. intransitive verb associate with somebody: to associate with somebody, especially somebody who is seen as undesirable ( informal )

She started messing around with that crowd last summer.

6. intransitive verb be sexually unfaithful: to have sexual activity with somebody other than a spouse or regular sexual partner ( slang )

