Today, June 4, 2004, 8:00 p.m., with my fifteen-year-old child, I will go to Victoria Gardens, light a candle in memory of those dead in “June 4th”. In my womb, he accompanied me in three Squares, saw people, in different languages – German, Russian and Chinese, making a hearty cry: “Democracy and freedom”. If the child says, “Mom, I have freedom. ‘June 4th’ has nothing to do with me.”, I think I would tell him:
My child, have you ever thought, the freedom and happiness you have today is due to some people, before you, protested, struggled, fought, and sacrificed. If you think other people’s misfortune has nothing to do with you, nobody will care when the same thing happens to you. I believe that the only society we can feel secure is a society where everyone is willing to take responsibility; otherwise, we all have to live in danger and fear.
For those who lost their lives, we live in shames; to those in every corner, who resist the brutal power, and create the space for free minds, my child, I feel thoroughly humbled.
For you, my child, free from the fears of being arrested or disappeared, I have to make every effort to prevent the country from turning into a killing machine, regardless which country we are in.
In this sense, tell me: who is not "Tiananmen Mothers"?