
身材姣好,声音甜美的美女教你做好吃的蛋糕。 。

鲜橙蛋糕该甜美好滋味.鲜道家黄金乳酪蛋糕. 外皮略焦的黄金乳酪蛋糕,一口咬下透着鸡蛋及乳酪香










视频: http://www.bethecook.com/recipes/Orangette-Tarte


* 1 stick butter ( 4 oz)

* 4 oz sugar

* 1 large egg

* 1/2 tsp vanilla

* 12 oz AP flour

* 1/4 tsp salt (sifted)

* 2 navel oranges, sliced

* 2 cups sugar

* 2 cups orange juice

* spice mixture: 1 couple whole cloves, allspice, 1 cinnamon stick

* 4 oz 60-70% chocolate, chopped

* 3 egg whites

* 3 oz sugar

* 3 tbsp jam, melted


Step 1

Add 1 stick butter ( unsalted, room temp ),

and 4 oz sugar in a mixer.

Turn on the mixer.

Step 2

While the mixer is running, add 1 large egg,

1/2 tsp vanilla,

and 1/2 tsp lemon zest in the mixer.

Let mix well.

Step 3

Then slow down the mixer,

slowly add 12 oz AP flour and 1/4 tsp salt into the mixer.

Let mix well.

Step 4

Turn off the mixer, the mixture in the mixer becomes a dough.

Take out the dough, flat it. Wrap it with a plastic.

refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, overnight is fine.

Step 5

The place the dough between 2 plastics, use a wood roller to roll it flat.

Step 6

Place the dough in a baking plate. Use a fork to press it in.

bake them in a oven.

Step 7

Add 2 cups sugar,

2 cups orange juice,

and the spicy mixture in a pot over high heat. Bring it to a boil for 10 minutes or until thicken.

Add the orange slices. Simmer for 10 minutes. Transfer the orange slices to a rack to dry. drain the sauce to a bowl.

Step 8

Add 4 oz 60-70% chocolate in a pot.

Put the pot over a bowl which contains a bowls of hot boiling water.

Stir the chocolate until melted. Set aside.

Step 9

Add 3 egg whites in the mixer. Mix until floppy. Add 3 oz sugar, a little bit water in a pot over a heat.

bring it to a boil. while it is boiling, dip some ice water in.

Step 10

Add the sugar mixture in the mixer. Turn on the mixer, and let mix well.

Transfer them to a bowl. Add the chocolate mixture in the bowl. Mix well.

Step 11

Transfer the mixture to the tart. Top them with the orange slices.

brush 3 tbsp jam on top.
