America's Best High Schools: The List Each year, Newsweek picks the best high schools in the country based on how hard school staffs work to challenge students with advanced placement college-level courses and tests. Just over 1600 schools— only six percent of all the public schools in the U.S.--made the list. This year's rankings have some fantastic new interactive features. We’ve teamed up with a data company called Factual to create individual profile pages for each school where students and faculty can comment and contribute. Check out the profiles by clicking on the name of any school in the list. And, don't miss this photo gallery of the top 20 schools, the list of the public schools that are too elite for our rankings, and a gallery of the 13 best movies about high school.
vesper iam hereforfun please ignore it.
wws 134 is not bad at all.
iamhereforfun 发表评论于
Living in MD. I can immediately tell you this list is a crap.
vesper 发表评论于
xixi2009 发表评论于
你听上去有点酸葡萄哦, 这个LIST是这样得来的
Newsweek picks the best high schools in the country based on how hard school staffs work to challenge students,
在这个LIST上排名16, SD最好的一家高中是这里一个政府专门为低收入家庭的孩子设立的, 老莫, 老黑的孩子占了大多数, 基本没有中国孩子。
wws_mom 发表评论于
住在Cuptertino, Los Altos, West San Jose, & Palo Alto 为了孩子上个“好高中”的家长们恐怕会非常失望的。 拥有最好排名的Gunn High 也不过才134。lynbrook 212, Monta Vista 244... 如果我没记错的话,这些学校的排名这几年没升反降。 真替那些花大价钱买进“学区房”的人家感到不值。这就是加州公立教育失败的典型表现。悲哀。。。。
Timberwolf 发表评论于
Bellevue, WA的孩子真幸运,闭著眼睛也能摸进Top 60.
rondo 发表评论于
After #805 , the link can be found from :