Ron Paul:德州众议员罗恩·保罗,30几年来不懈地倡导安全(健康)货币,回归金本位,废除控制货币发行的美联储,回归宪法。被称为华盛顿唯一诚实的美国政客,一贯批评推倡大政府的凯恩斯经济理论,坚定不移地宣扬自由市场为基础的奥地利经济学。反对政府对经济的干预和救助,宣扬自由市场的基本规则即是最好的监管者,允许破产,反对任何形式的Bailout。
历史再次证实,凯恩斯式的大政府,及法币(Fiat Paper Money)体系从长远来看,将凄惨地失败。但是,政府的本质就是要在能够增加权力和控制时,去忽视现实。所以,大多数政客和经济学家就会因为泡沫经济早期时的繁荣幻觉,而忽视凯恩斯主义带来的长期损失,进而否定经济的基本规律。其实,告诉泡沫是否要破裂的一个方法,就是当经济学家开始谈论政府和中央银行如何征服了经济周期。
Gold standard is different from gold currency. Dr.Paul supports the Gold standard, which is the best way to limit the printing money from thin air by the government.
HCC 发表评论于
But there isn't enough gold in the world for currency. For instance: how are you going to pay someone his salary by way of gold?
And I don't think the government hates gold either. Else, the government could have simply prohibit the people from owning it.
Mr. Paul is an idealist. But if you follow his ideas, this country will implode. There is a significant gap between ideal and reality.