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好久都没有update我的博客了. 芝加哥的天气终于暖起来了. 整个城市也象突然从冬眠里醒来一样, 顿时勃勃生机. 我试着种的菜也竟然活下来了.


Thyme is a good source of iron and is widely used in European and Middle Eastern cooking. Although not often used in Chinese cuisine, I have learned to embrace its elegant flavor since it was first introduced to me 12 years ago. My mint thyme is thriving in the little planter box...


Tennis ball lettuce was grown by Thomas Jefferson at Monticello. Jefferson noted that "it does not require so much care and attention" as other types. Not only did Thomas Jefferson have good penmanship, the founding father was right about the lettuce!

星期一又下了一天的雨. 闲着没事儿, 在家里做了一个龙虾三吃.

Lobster Tail stuffed with Spicy Italian Sausage

lobster tail stuffed with spicy italian sausage

Cooking Steps:

1. Slice 1/3 of the lobster tail into three sections (do not cut all the way through)

2. Squeeze 1/3 of the spicy Italian Sausage out of the casing

3. Stuff the sausage into each section of the lobster

4. Lightly dust the stuffed lobster with flour

5. Sear the stuffed lobster in a pan with 1 tablespoon of butter until the lobster is no longer opaque and the sausage cooked through

Lobster and Green Apple Napoleon

lobster and green apple napoleon

Cooking Steps:

1. Dice 1/3 of the lobster tail

2. Marinate the diced lobster tail in ½ cup of the Orange Muscat wine (or your favorite sweet white wine)

3. Sauté the marinated lobster in a pan with ½ tablespoon of butter until the lobster is no longer opaque

4. Sprinkle with basil infused sea salt

5. Place the cooked lobster between three thinly sliced green apples

Poached Lobster with Baby Radish

poached lobster with baby radish

Cooking Steps:

1. Poaching liquid: Add 1 cup of water, ¼ green apple, 2 cubes of sweet pineapple, 1 sprig of mint thymes, and three small radishes to a small pot. Add salt and pepper to taste and then bring the liquid to boil.

2. Poach the lobster tail in the liquid until the lobster is no longer opaque.

3. Remove the lobster tail immediately and add to a bowl with ice cubes.

4. Place the chilled lobster tail in a dinner plate along with the poached radishes