' Core Functions
' 1) f_Create_List_Dialog
' 2) f_OpenFileDialog
' 3) f_GetCurrentTime
' 4) f_AddNewFolder
' 5) f_SetupRunResultsI
' 6) f_SetupRunResultsII
' 7) f_CloseOpenBrowsers
' 8) f_InitializeArrays_MedClaim
' 9) f_InitializeArrays_DenClaim
' 10)f_InitializeArrays_MedEB
' 11)f_InitializeArrays_DenEB
' 12)f_InitializeArrays_PharmEB
' 13)f_InitializeArrays_PharmClaim
' 14)f_ClearArray
' 15)f_PrintLog
' 16)f_SavePrintLog
' 17)f_whichwindow
' 18)f_SelectListItem
' 19)f_SelectCalendarDate
' 20)f_ClmWhichwindow
' 21)f_ClearClmArray
' 22)f_InitializeArrays_MedCT
' 23)f_MedCTWhichwindow
' 24)f_DenEBWhichwindow
' 25) f_InitializeArrays_DenCT
' 26) f_DenCTWhichwindow
' 27) f_DenClmWhichwindow
' 28) f_DenSelectCalendarDate
'# Dim Global arrays
'# Description : This Statement declares global array for accessing from all Actions.
Dim arField(90) , arInp(4) , arPat(7), arBen(54), arClmSummary(1), arClmDtl(7), arExp(60, 100) ,arClmExp(90, 100, 45) , arClmAct(90, 100, 45), arAct(60, 100), arMedClAct(90,100), arInput(9), tpossiblewindow(10),arExpSumSect(6), arActSumSect(6), arExpDtlSect(6),arActDtlSect(6), vFirstRow , tCurRow, tDebugMode, vWin , terror, arLFExp(100,10)
Dim NumofMedBen,NumofMenBen,NumofVisBen, arLFFields
arLFFields = Array("StepResult","Action", "Fieldtype","Browser", "Page", "Frame", "Field", "Property", "IEValue", "FFValue")
'# f_Create_List_Dialog
'# Description : This function Creates a list Dialog box to capture the user input selection.
Function f_Create_List_Dialog(Title, message, List)
On Error Resume Next 'Used Later to handle items not in our list
msg = message 'This is the basic message
for i = lbound(List) to ubound (List)
newmess = msg & vbCrLf & cstr(i + 1) & " - " & List(i) 'loop through the Array and add
msg = newmess 'Each item from it to the list
flag = 0 'Controls when we have a valid selection
do while flag = 0
Ret = InputBox(msg,Title,"1") 'prompt for a selection from the list
Ret = CInt(Ret) 'Convert the selection to an Int
f_Create_List_Dialog = List(Ret-1) 'Set the fuction to equal the correct array element
flag = 1 'break out of the loop
If f_Create_List_Dialog = "" Then 'If we selected an invalid array element(C_L_D will be Null)
flag = 0 'reset the flag to 0 and loop round again for a vaild entry.
end if
End Function
'# f_OpenFileDialog(tpath,kDataTable)
'# Description : This function Creates a File Select Dialog box to select the Datatable
'# the datatable for Testcase Execution.
'# Parameters : in tpath --> The path of the where datatables are stored.
'# out kDataTable --> The path and name of the selected datatable
Function f_OpenFileDialog(tpath,kDataTable)
'msgbox("i am in fopefiledialog function before tpath msgbox")
Set ObjFSO = CreateObject("UserAccounts.CommonDialog")
ObjFSO.FilterIndex = 1
ObjFSO.InitialDir = tpath
InitFSO = ObjFSO.ShowOpen
If InitFSO = False Then
msgbox "Cannot proceed without selecting DataTable....Please Re-run the script!"
End If
KDataTable = ObjFSO.FileName
end function
'# f_GetCurrentDateTime(time)
'# Description : This function returns Date and time in the following format
'# Parameters : Out time --> The present time in the above format.
Function f_GetCurrentDateTime(tDateTime)
Dim tTime, tDate, tMonth, tDay, tYear, tdate_ddmonyyyy
tHour = Hour(Now)
if tHour tHour = "0"& tHour
end if
tMin = Minute(Now)
if tMin tMin = "0"& tMin
end if
'msgbox ("the Min is "& tMin)
tSec = Second(Now)
if tSec tSec = "0"& tSec
end if
'msgbox ("the Sec is "& tSec)
tTime = tHour &" " & tMin &" " & tSec
'msgbox (tTime)
tDate = Date
tMonth = MonthName(Month(CDate(tDate)), true)
tDay = Day(Date())
tYear= Year(Date())
If tDay tDay="0"& tDay
End If
tdate_ddmonyyyy = tDay & " " & tMonth & " " & tYear
'msgbox (tdate_ddmonyyyy)
tDateTime = tdate_ddmonyyyy & "_" & tTime
end Function
'# f_AddNewFolder()
'# The above code checks whether the specified folder exists before attempting to create it.
'# If the folder exists, nothing is done, otherwise the folder is created.
'# If no name is specified for the folder, the folder will be created with the name "New Folder."
function f_AddNewFolder(path, folderName)
Dim fso1, f, fc, nf
Set fso1 = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso1.GetFolder(path)
Set fc = f.SubFolders
If folderName "" Then
If Not(fso1.FolderExists(path & folderName)) then
Set nf = fc.Add(folderName)
End If
Set nf = fc.Add("New Folder")
End If
End function
'# f_SetupRunResultsI()
'# NOTE:
'# -> f_SetupRunResultsI is used in conjunction with 'f_SetupRunResultsII',
'# which is run at the end of the script, to move the completed results
'# table from local drive to its final destination
'# Description:
'# Step 1. Get directory path of the data table
'# Step 2. Check whether TestRuns folders exists in this directory. If not, create one.
'# Step 3. copy table to C:Temp and then rename it by adding Run Name to title
'# e.g. "K:\My Tests\ClmMHS_030202wc.xls" becomes "C:\Temp\ClmMHS_030202wc_01 Apr 02_15 08 22.xls"
'# Create final path name for data table (used by f_eCP_SetupRunResultsII at end of run)
'# e.g. in the example above, "K:\My Tests\TestRuns\ClmMHS_030202wc_01 Apr 02_15 08 22.xls"
'# See also: f_SetupRunResultsII
function f_SetupRunResultsI()
Dim tFileName, tarFileName, tFileNametxt,tRunName, tFileNametxt_inTemp
tRunName = Environment("kRunName")
tFilePath = Environment.Value("KDataTable")
tarFilePath=split(tFilePath ,"")
tFileNametxt = split(tarFilePath(ubound(tarFilePath)),".")
tNewfileName = tFileNametxt(0) & "_" & tRunName &".xls"
tFileNamePath_inTemp = "C:Temp" & tFileNametxt(0) &".xls"
tNewFileNamePath = "C:Temp"& tNewfileName
' Check if TestRuns folder is present if not create a folder with name "TestRuns"
tarFilePathFolder = ""
tcount1 = ubound(tarFilePath) - 1
for i = 0 to tcount1
if(i = 0) then
tarFilePathFolder = tarFilePath(i)
tarFilePathFolder = tarFilePathFolder & ""& tarFilePath(i)
end if
tarFilePathFolder = tarFilePathFolder&""
call f_AddNewFolder (tarFilePathFolder, "TestRuns")
'Copy the file to Temp
Const OverwriteExisting = TRUE
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
objFSO.CopyFile tFilePath , "C:Temp", OverwriteExisting
'Rename it by adding the run name
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
objFSO.MoveFile (tFileNamePath_inTemp) , (tNewFileNamePath )
set objFSO = nothing
'Make it an environment variable for use in all actions.
Environment.Value("KDataTableNew") = tNewFileNamePath
'Copy the Macro file to Temp
tMacropath = Environment("fpathMacro")
tMacro = tMacropath &"Macros.xls"
Set objFSO2 = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
objFSO2.CopyFile tMacro, "C:Temp", OverwriteExisting
'msgbox "Did i copy the Macro"
end function
'# f_SetupRunResultsII()
'# NOTE:
'# -> f_SetupRunResultsI is used in conjunction with 'f_SetupRunResultsII',
'# which is run at the end of the script, to move the completed results
'# table from local drive to its final destination
function f_SetupRunResultsII()
msgbox(" I am in setuprunresultsII")
Dim tFileName, tarFileName, tFileNametxt,tRunName, tFileNametxt_inTemp
tRunName = Environment("kRunName")
tFilePath = Environment.Value("KDataTable")
tarFilePath=split(tFilePath ,"")
tFileNametxt = split(tarFilePath(ubound(tarFilePath)),".")
tNewfileName = tFileNametxt(0) & "_" & tRunName &".xls"
tFileNamePath_inTemp = "C:Temp" & tFileNametxt(0) &".xls"
tNewFileNamePath = "C:Temp"& tNewfileName
tarFilePathFolder = ""
tcount1 = ubound(tarFilePath) - 1
for i = 0 to tcount1
if(i = 0) then
tarFilePathFolder = tarFilePath(i)
tarFilePathFolder = tarFilePathFolder & ""& tarFilePath(i)
end if
tarFilePathFolder = tarFilePathFolder&"TestRuns"
'Copy the file to TestRuns
Const OverwriteExisting = TRUE
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
objFSO.CopyFile tNewFileNamePath , tarFilePathFolder, OverwriteExisting
set objFSO = nothing
end function
'# f_CloseOpenBrowsers()
'# Close any open browsers
Function f_CloseOpenBrowsers()
For each Process in GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").ExecQuery ("select * from Win32_Process where Name='iexplore.exe'")
'do while("True")
' TrueOrFlase = Browser("index:=0").Exist(0)
' if(TrueOrFlase = "False") then
' exit do
' else
' Browser("index:=0").close
' end if
End Function
'function f_CloseOpenBrowsers()
' do while("True")
' TrueOrFlase = Browser("index:=0").Exist(0)
' if(TrueOrFlase = "False") then
' exit do
' else
' Browser("index:=0").close
'' end if
' loop
' end function
'# f_InitializeArrays_MedClaim()
'# NOTE: The arField array lists all of the data elements to be verified and/or input.
'# These data elements are used for:
'# - headers for each column on the data table
'# - array elements in the arExp and arAct arrays
function f_InitializeArrays_MedClaim()
' Testcase data
arField(1) = "TestNm"
arField(2) = "TestScenario"
arField(3) = "ExpRes"
arField(4) = "SrcSys"
arField(5) = "Run"
arField(6) = "Result"
arField(7) = "ErrMsg_Scr"
arField(8) = "ErrMsg"
arField(9) = "ErrScr"
arField(10) = "Ver_Code"
arField(11) = "SrchTyp"
' Input data
arInp(0) = 12
arField(12) = "Input" ' Column Header
arInp(1) = 12
arInp(2) = 13
arField(13) = "SSOID"
arField(14) = "SSOPwd"
arField(15) = "PatientName"
arField(16) = "ClmDtRng"
arField(17) = "ClmDtStart"
arField(18) = "ClmDtEnd"
arInp(3) = 18
' Patient Data
arPat(0) = 19
arField(19) = "Patient1" ' Column Header
arPat(1) = 19
arPat(2) = 20
arField(20) = "PatientName"
arField(21) = "Plan"
arField(22) = "PharmacyPlan"
arField(23) = "ActNum"
arField(24) = "EffDt"
arField(25) = "EligStatus"
arField(26) = "CovEndDt"
arPat(3) = 26
' Claim Summary Data
arClmSummary(0) = 30
arField(30) = "NumClm" ' counter field
arField(31) = "VerifyClaim"
arField(32) = "SumClmNum"
arField(33) = "SumDOS"
arField(34) = "SumSerProvider"
arField(35) = "SumStatus"
arField(36) = "SumSubCharge"
arField(37) = "SumPdPlan"
arField(38) = "SumPdHRA"
arField(39) = "SumFSA"
arField(40) = "SumHAA"
arField(41) = "SumMemResp"
arClmSummary(1) = 41
' Claim Detail Data
arClmDtl(0) = 45
arField(45) = "NumDet" ' counter field
arField(46) = "DtlService"
arField(47) = "DtlDOS"
arField(48) = "DtlSubCharge"
arField(49) = "DtlNegDiscount"
arField(50) = "DtlNotCov"
arField(51) = "DtlCopayDed"
arField(52) = "DtlMemCopay"
arField(53) = "DtlCovBalance"
arField(54) = "DtlCignaCoins"
arField(55) = "DtlMemberCoins"
arField(56) = "DtlPdFSA"
arField(57) = "DtlPdHRA"
arField(58) = "DtlPdHAA"
arField(59) = "DtlMemResp"
arField(60) = "DtlRemarks"
arClmDtl(1) = 60
arClmDtl(2) = 65
arField(65) = "DtlClmMem"
arField(66) = "DtlClmDOS"
arField(67) = "DtlClmRecDt"
arField(68) = "DtlClmPrcDt"
arField(69) = "DtlClmServPrv"
arField(70) = "DtlClmNtwkInd"
arField(71) = "DtlClmStatus"
arClmDtl(3) = 71
arClmDtl(4) = 73
arField(73) = "PmtCOBInd"
arField(74) = "PmtOIConsdr"
arField(75) = "PmtOIPaid"
arField(76) = "NumChk"
arField(77) = "PmtCignaPd"
arField(78) = "PmtPaidTo"
arField(79) = "PmtPayAddr"
arField(80) = "PmtChkNum"
arField(81) = "PmtChkStat"
arField(82) = "PmtHRAPd"
arField(83) = "PmtHRAType"
arField(84) = "PmtFSAPd"
arField(85) = "PmtHAAPd"
arClmDtl(5) = 85
arClmDtl(6) = 86
arField(86) = "NumRmk" ' Counter field
arField(87) = "RmkCd"
arField(88) = "RmkCdAmt"
arField(89) = "RmkCdExpl"
arClmDtl(7) = 89
end function
'# f_InitializeArrays_DenClaim()
'# NOTE: The arField array lists all of the data elements to be verified and/or input.
'# These data elements are used for:
'# - headers for each column on the data table
'# - array elements in the arExp and arAct arrays
function f_InitializeArrays_DenClaim()
' Testcase data
arField(1) = "TestNm"
arField(2) = "TestScenario"
arField(3) = "ExpRes"
arField(4) = "SrcSys"
arField(5) = "Run"
arField(6) = "Result"
arField(7) = "ErrMsg_Scr"
arField(8) = "ErrMsg"
arField(9) = "ErrScr"
arField(10) = "Ver_Code"
arField(11) = "SrchTyp"
' Input data
arInp(0) = 12
arField(12) = "Input" ' Column Header
arInp(1) = 12
arInp(2) = 13
arField(13) = "SSOID"
arField(14) = "SSOPwd"
arField(15) = "PatientName"
arField(16) = "ClmDtRng"
arField(17) = "ClmDtStart"
arField(18) = "ClmDtEnd"
arInp(3) = 18
' Patient Data
arPat(0) = 19
arField(19) = "Patient1" ' Column Header
arPat(1) = 19
arPat(2) = 20
arField(20) = "PatientName"
arField(21) = "Plan"
arField(22) = "PharmacyPlan"
arField(23) = "ActNum"
arField(24) = "NtwkNm"
arField(25) = "EffDt"
arField(26) = "EligStatus"
arField(27) = "CovEndDt"
arPat(3) = 27
' Claim Summary Data
arClmSummary(0) = 30
arField(30) = "NumClm" ' counter field
arField(31) = "VerifyClaim"
arField(32) = "SumClmNum"
arField(33) = "SumDOS"
arField(34) = "SumSerProvider"
arField(35) = "SumStatus"
arField(36) = "SumSubCharge"
arField(37) = "SumPdPlan"
arClmSummary(1) = 37
' Claim Detail Data
arClmDtl(0) = 45
arField(45) = "NumDet" ' counter field
arField(46) = "DtlService"
arField(47) = "DtlToothNum"
arField(48) = "DtlDOS"
arField(49) = "DtlSubCharge"
arField(50) = "DtlNegDiscount"
arField(51) = "DtlNotCov"
arField(52) = "DtlCopayDed"
arField(53) = "DtlMemCopay"
arField(54) = "DtlCovBalance"
arField(55) = "DtlCignaCoins"
arField(56) = "DtlMemberCoins"
arField(57) = "DtlRemarks"
arClmDtl(1) = 57
arClmDtl(2) = 65
arField(65) = "DtlClmMem"
arField(66) = "DtlClmDOS"
arField(67) = "DtlClmRecDt"
arField(68) = "DtlClmPrcDt"
arField(69) = "DtlClmServPrv"
arField(70) = "DtlClmNtwkInd"
arField(71) = "DtlClmStatus"
arClmDtl(3) = 71
arClmDtl(4) = 73
arField(73) = "PmtCOBInd"
arField(74) = "PmtOIConsdr"
arField(75) = "PmtOIPaid"
arField(76) = "NumChk"
arField(77) = "PmtCignaPd"
arField(78) = "PmtPaidTo"
arField(79) = "PmtPayAddr"
arField(80) = "PmtChkNum"
arField(81) = "PmtChkStat"
arField(82) = "PmtHRAPd"
arField(83) = "PmtHRAType"
arField(84) = "PmtFSAPd"
arField(85) = "PmtHAAPd"
arClmDtl(5) = 85
arClmDtl(6) = 86
arField(86) = "NumRmk" ' Counter field
arField(87) = "RmkCd"
arField(88) = "RmkCdAmt"
arField(89) = "RmkCdExpl"
arClmDtl(7) = 89
end function
'# f_InitializeArrays_MedCT()
'# NOTE: The arField array lists all of the data elements to be verified and/or input.
'# These data elements are used for:
'# - headers for each column on the data table
'# - array elements in the arExp and arAct arrays
function f_InitializeArrays_MedCT()
' Testcase data
arField(1) = "TestNm"
arField(2) = "ExpRes"
arField(3) = "SrcSys"
arField(4) = "Run"
arField(5) = "Ver_Code"
arField(6) = "Result"
arField(7) = "ErrMsg_Scr"
arField(8) = "ErrMsg"
arField(9) = "ErrScr"
' Input data
arInp(0) = 11
arField(11) = "Patient1" ' Column Header
arInp(1) = 11
arInp(2) = 12
arField(12) = "SSOID"
arField(13) = "SSOPwd"
arField(14) = "InfoYear"
arInp(3) = 14
' Patient Data
arPat(0) = 15
arField(15) = "VerifyMemInfo" ' Column Header
arPat(1) = 15
arPat(2) = 16
arField(16) = "PatientName"
arField(17) = "Plan"
arField(18) = "PharmacyPlan"
arField(19) = "ActNum"
arField(20) = "EffDt"
arField(21) = "EligStatus"
arField(22) = "CovEndDt"
arField(23) = "#ofMem"
arPat(3) = 23
arPat(4) = 25
arField(25) = "Patient2" ' Column Header
arPat(5) = 25
arPat(6) = 26
arField(26) = "OtherMembers"
arPat(7) = 26
' Cost Tracker Summary Page data
arBen(0) = 30
arField(30) = "NumCTSum" ' counter field
arField(31) = "VerifyCTSum"
arField(32) = "CTSum_InName"
arField(33) = "CTSum_InAmt"
arField(34) = "CTSum_InMet"
arField(35) = "CTSum_InRem"
arField(36) = "CTSum_OutName"
arField(37) = "CTSum_OutAmt"
arField(38) = "CTSum_OutMet"
arField(39) = "CTSum_OutRem"
arBen(1) = 39
' Cost Tracker Detail Page data
arBen(2) = 40
arField(40) = "NumCTDtl" ' counter field
arField(41) = "VerifyCTDtl"
arField(42) = "CTDtlName"
arField(43) = "CTDtl_InAmt"
arField(44) = "CTDtl_InMet"
arField(45) = "CTDtl_InRem"
arField(46) = "CTDtl_OutAmt"
arField(47) = "CTDtl_OutMet"
arField(48) = "CtDtl_OutRem"
arBen(3) = 48
end function
' #############################################################################################
'# f_InitializeArrays_DenCT()
'# NOTE: The arField array lists all of the data elements to be verified and/or input.
'# These data elements are used for:
'# - headers for each column on the data table
'# - array elements in the arExp and arAct arrays
function f_InitializeArrays_DenCT()
' Testcase data
arField(1) = "TestNm"
arField(2) = "ExpRes"
arField(3) = "SrcSys"
arField(4) = "Run"
arField(5) = "Ver_Code"
arField(6) = "Result"
arField(7) = "ErrMsg_Scr"
arField(8) = "ErrMsg"
arField(9) = "ErrScr"
' Input data
arInp(0) = 11
arField(11) = "Patient1" ' Column Header
arInp(1) = 11
arInp(2) = 12
arField(12) = "SSOID"
arField(13) = "SSOPwd"
arInp(3) = 13
' Patient Data
arPat(0) = 15
arField(15) = "VerifyMemInfo" ' Column Header
arPat(1) = 15
arPat(2) = 16
arField(16) = "PatientName"
arField(17) = "Plan"
arField(18) = "PharmacyPlan"
arField(19) = "ActNum"
arField(20) = "NtwkName"
arField(21) = "EffDt"
arField(22) = "EligStatus"
arField(23) = "CovEndDt"
arField(24) = "#ofMem"
arPat(3) = 24
'arField(16) = "PatientName"
'arField(17) = "Plan"
'arField(18) = "PharmacyPlan"
'arField(19) = "ActNum"
' arField(20) = "EffDt"
'arField(21) = "EligStatus"
'arField(22) = "CovEndDt"
'arField(23) = "#ofMem"
'arPat(3) = 23
arPat(4) = 25
arField(25) = "Patient2" ' Column Header
arPat(5) = 25
arPat(6) = 26
arField(26) = "OtherMembers"
arPat(7) = 26
' Cost Tracker Summary Page data
arBen(0) = 30
arField(30) = "NumCTSum" ' counter field
arField(31) = "VerifyCTSum"
arField(32) = "CTSum_InName"
arField(33) = "CTSum_InAmt"
arField(34) = "CTSum_InMet"
arField(35) = "CTSum_InRem"
arField(36) = "CTSum_OutName"
arField(37) = "CTSum_OutAmt"
arField(38) = "CTSum_OutMet"
arField(39) = "CTSum_OutRem"
arBen(1) = 39
' Cost Tracker Detail Page data
arBen(2) = 40
arField(40) = "NumCTDtl" ' counter field
arField(41) = "VerifyCTDtl"
arField(42) = "CTDtlName"
arField(43) = "CTDtl_InAmt"
arField(44) = "CTDtl_InMet"
arField(45) = "CTDtl_InRem"
arField(46) = "CTDtl_OutAmt"
arField(47) = "CTDtl_OutMet"
arField(48) = "CtDtl_OutRem"
arBen(3) = 48
end function
'# f_InitializeArrays_MedEB()
'# NOTE: The arField array lists all of the data elements to be verified and/or input.
'# These data elements are used for:
'# - headers for each column on the data table
'# - array elements in the arExp and arAct arrays
function f_InitializeArrays_MedEB()
' Testcase data
arField(1) = "TestNm"
arField(2) = "ExpRes"
arField(3) = "SrcSys"
arField(4) = "Run"
arField(5) = "Ver_Code"
arField(6) = "Result"
arField(7) = "ErrMsg_Scr"
arField(8) = "ErrMsg"
arField(9) = "ErrScr"
' Input data
arInp(0) = 11
arField(11) = "Patient1" ' Column Header
arInp(1) = 11
arInp(2) = 12
arField(12) = "SSOID"
arField(13) = "SSOPwd"
arField(14) = "PatientName"
arInp(3) = 14
' Patient Data
arPat(0) = 15
arField(15) = "VerifyMemInfo" ' Column Header
arPat(1) = 15
arPat(2) = 16
arField(16) = "PatientName"
arField(17) = "Plan"
arField(18) = "PharmacyPlan"
arField(19) = "ActNum"
arField(20) = "EffDt"
arField(21) = "EligStatus"
arField(22) = "CovEndDt"
arField(23) = "#ofMem"
arPat(3) = 23
arPat(4) = 25
arField(25) = "Patient2" ' Column Header
arPat(5) = 25
arPat(6) = 26
arField(26) = "OtherMembers"
arPat(7) = 26
' Benefits data
arBen(0) = 30
arField(30) = "NumMedBen" ' counter field
arField(31) = "VerifyMedBen"
arField(32) = "MedBenefit"
arField(33) = "MedAmt1"
arField(34) = "MedAmt2"
arField(35) = "MedAmt3"
arField(36) = "MedAmt4"
arBen(1) = 36
arBen(2) = 40
arField(40) = "NumVisBen" ' counter field
arField(41) = "VerifyVisBen"
arField(42) = "VisBenefit"
arField(43) = "VisAmt1"
arField(44) = "VisAmt2"
arField(45) = "VisAmt3"
arField(46) = "VisAmt4"
arBen(3) = 46
arBen(4) = 50
arField(50) = "NumMenBen" ' Counter field
arField(51) = "VerifyMenBen"
arField(52) = "MenBenefit"
arField(53) = "MenAmt1"
arField(54) = "MenAmt2"
arBen(5) = 54
end function
'# f_InitializeArrays_DenEB()
'# NOTE: The arField array lists all of the data elements to be verified and/or input.
'# These data elements are used for:
'# - headers for each column on the data table
'# - array elements in the arExp and arAct arrays
function f_InitializeArrays_DenEB()
' Testcase data
arField(1) = "TestNm"
arField(2) = "ExpRes"
arField(3) = "SrcSys"
arField(4) = "Run"
arField(5) = "Ver_Code"
arField(6) = "Result"
arField(7) = "ErrMsg_Scr"
arField(8) = "ErrMsg"
arField(9) = "ErrScr"
' Input data
arInp(0) = 11
arField(11) = "Patient1" ' Column Header
arInp(1) = 11
arInp(2) = 12
arField(12) = "SSOID"
arField(13) = "SSOPwd"
arField(14) = "PatientName"
arInp(3) = 14
' Patient Data
arPat(0) = 15
arField(15) = "VerifyMemInfo" ' Column Header
arPat(1) = 15
arPat(2) = 16
arField(16) = "PatientName"
arField(17) = "Plan"
arField(18) = "PharmacyPlan"
arField(19) = "ActNum"
arField(20) = "NtwkName"
arField(21) = "EffDt"
arField(22) = "EligStatus"
arField(23) = "CovEndDt"
arField(24) = "#ofMem"
arPat(3) = 24
arPat(4) = 25
arField(25) = "Patient2" ' Column Header
arPat(5) = 25
arPat(6) = 26
arField(26) = "OtherMembers"
arPat(7) = 26
' Benefits data
arBen(0) = 30
arField(30) = "NumMedBen" ' counter field
arField(31) = "VerifyMedBen"
arField(32) = "MedBenefit"
arField(33) = "MedAmt1"
arField(34) = "MedAmt2"
arBen(1) = 34
end function
'# f_InitializeArrays_PharmEB()
'# NOTE: The arField array lists all of the data elements to be verified and/or input.
'# These data elements are used for:
'# - headers for each column on the data table
'# - array elements in the arExp and arAct arrays
function f_InitializeArrays_PharmEB()
end function
'# f_InitializeArrays_PharmClaim()
'# NOTE: The arField array lists all of the data elements to be verified and/or input.
'# These data elements are used for:
'# - headers for each column on the data table
'# - array elements in the arExp and arAct arrays
function f_InitializeArrays_PharmClaim()
end function
'# f_ClearArray( )
'# Clears the contents of arrays
function f_ClearArray( )
tMax1 = ubound(arAct,1)
tMax2 = ubound(arAct,2)
for j = 1 to tMax1
for i = 1 to tMax2
arAct(j,i) = ""
tMax1 = ubound(arExp,1)
tMax2 = ubound(arExp,2)
for j = 1 to tMax1
for i = 1 to tMax2
arExp(j,i) = ""
tMax = ubound(arInput)
for j = 1 to tMax
arInput(j) = ""
end function
'# f_ClearClmArray( )
'# Clears the contents of arrays
function f_ClearClmArray( )
tMax1 = ubound(arClmAct,1)
tMax2 = ubound(arClmAct,2)
tMax3 = ubound(arClmAct,3)
for j = 1 to tMax1
for i = 1 to tMax2
for k = 1 to tMax3
arClmAct(j,i ,k) = ""
tMax1 = ubound(arClmExp,1)
tMax2 = ubound(arClmExp,2)
tMax3 = ubound(arClmExp,3)
for j = 1 to tMax1
for i = 1 to tMax2
for k = 1 to tMax3
arClmExp(j,i ,k) = ""
tMax = ubound(arInput)
for j = 1 to tMax
arInput(j) = ""
end function
'# Function: f_PrintLog
'# This function is similar to WinRunner's print function, except it outputs data to a
'# Notepad window.The performance is not as fast as the WinRunner's print function, but
'# its a good way to monitor output while running a test instead of using a msgbox.
'# The "LogFile.txt" is saved to the testname directory. You can easily change the location
'# of where the log file is saved by modifying the LogFile
Function f_PrintLog (Message)
LogFile = Environment.Value("TestDir") & "LogFile.txt"
f_ForWriting = 2 ' use 2 for (over) writing, 8 for appending
If (Window("regexpwndclass:=Notepad", "regexpwndtitle:=Notepad").Exist = False) Then
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set OutputFile = fso.OpenTextFile (LogFile, f_ForWriting, True)
OutputFile.WriteLine Now
wait 1
SystemUtil.Run "Notepad", LogFile
End If
Window("regexpwndclass:=Notepad", "regexpwndtitle:=Notepad").Activate
set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'Navigate to last line in Notepad window
WshShell.SendKeys "^a" 'Select All (Ctrl + A)
WshShell.SendKeys "{DOWN}" ' Down Arrow
Window("regexpwndclass:=Notepad", "regexpwndtitle:=Notepad").WinEditor("nativeclass:=Edit").Type Message & MicReturn
Set WshShell = Nothing
'set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'WshShell.SendKeys "^s" 'Save (Ctrl + S)
'Set WshShell = Nothing
End Function
'# Function: f_SavePrintLog
'# This function is used in conjuction with f_PrintLog. This function is kept seperate
'# in order to improve performance.
Function f_SavePrintLog ()
Window("regexpwndclass:=Notepad", "regexpwndtitle:=Notepad").Activate
set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set WshShell = Nothing
set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.SendKeys "^s" 'Save (Ctrl + S)
Set WshShell = Nothing
End Function
'# Function: f_Whichwindow
Function f_Whichwindow()
vWin = ""
if Browser("Browser").Page("Consumer Portal Home").Exist then
if Browser("Browser").Page("Consumer Portal Home").WebElement("Error").Exist then
vWin = "Consumer Portal Home - Error"
vWin = "Consumer Portal Home"
end if
elseif browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_HomePage").Link("lnk_Welcome").Exist(0) then
vWin = "myCIGNA_Homepage"
elseif browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA").Frame("myCIGNA_Summary").WebElement("lnk_Medical benefit details").Exist(0) then
vWin = "myCIGNA_Summary"
elseif browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_MemberSummary").WebTable("Last Name").Exist(0) then
vWin = "myCIGNA_MemberSummary"
elseif browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_BenefitsDetails").WebElement("Err_Temporarily Unavailable").Exist(0) then
vWin = "myCIGNA_BenefitsDetails_Unavailable"
elseif browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_BenefitsDetails").WebTable("tbl_MedBenefits").Exist(0) then
vWin = "myCIGNA_BenefitsDetails"
elseif browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_Vision").WebTable("tbl_Vision").exist(0) then
vWin = "myCIGNA_Vision"
elseif browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_MentalHealth").WebTable("tbl_Mental Health").Exist(0) then
vWin = "myCIGNA_MentalHealth"
vWin = "Unexpected Window"
end if
End Function
'# Function: f_ClmWhichwindow
'Function f_ClmWhichwindow()
'vWin = ""
' if Browser("Browser").Page("Consumer Portal Home").Exist then
' if Browser("Browser").Page("Consumer Portal Home").WebElement("Error").Exist then
' vWin = "Consumer Portal Home - Error"
' else
'' vWin = "Consumer Portal Home"
' end if
' elseif browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA").Frame("myCIGNA_Summary").WebElement("lnk_Medical benefit details").Exist then
' vWin = "myCIGNA_Summary"
' elseif browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_MemberSummary").WebTable("Last Name").Exist then
' vWin = "myCIGNA_MemberSummary"
' elseif browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_BenefitsDetails").WebTable("tbl_MedBenefits").Exist then
' vWin = "myCIGNA_BenefitsDetails"
' elseif browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_Vision").WebTable("tbl_Vision").exist then
' vWin = "myCIGNA_Vision"
' elseif browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_MentalHealth").WebTable("tbl_Mental Health").Exist then
' vWin = "myCIGNA_MentalHealth"
' else
' vWin = "Unexpected Window"
' end if
' msgbox " The window is" & vWin
'end if
'End Function
'# Function: f_arraypossiblewindows
function f_arraypossiblewindows()
end function
'# Function: f_SelectListItem
public function f_SelectListItem(obj, mySubstr)
'grab list contents (will be semi-colon delimited)
listContents = obj.GetROProperty ("all items")
'split list contents into individual array elements
listArr = split(listContents, ";", -1, 1)
for i=1 to UBound (listArr)
'check if your string matches and begins on first character of list item
'if so, then it is a match
if (InStr(1, listArr(i), mySubstr, 1) = 1) then
obj.Select (listArr(i))
matchListItem = 0
end if
End Function
'# Function: f_SelectCalendarDate
Function f_SelectCalendarDate(tcalendar, tcalendardate)
tdate = tcalendardate
tcal = tcalendar
arrdate = split(tdate,"/")
tmonth = arrdate(0)
tmonthname = MonthName(tmonth)
tMonYear = tmonthname &" "&arrdate(2)
If tcal = 1 Then
tdate1 = Browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNAClmAdvSrch").WebEdit("fromDate").GetROProperty("value")
elseif tcal = 2 then
tdate1 = Browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNAClmAdvSrch").WebEdit("toDate").GetROProperty("value")
End If
tdate = cdate(tdate)
x = datediff("d", tdate, tdate1)
text = Browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNAClmAdvSrch").WebElement("Month Year").GetROProperty("innertext")
tcounter = 1
If tMonYear text Then
'msgbox ttime
if x > 0 then
Browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNAClmAdvSrch").WebButton(" elseif x Browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNAClmAdvSrch").WebButton(">").Click
end if
text = Browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNAClmAdvSrch").WebElement("Month Year").GetROProperty("innertext")
If tMonYear = text Then
Exit do
end if
tcounter = tcounter + 1
Loop Until tcounter = 48
End if
tdateobj = "<_> Browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNAClmAdvSrch").WebElement(tdateobj).click
'If tcal = 1 Then
' Browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_3").Frame("myCIGNAClmAdvSrch").Image("Img_calendar").Click
'elseif tcal = 2 then
' Browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_3").Frame("myCIGNAClmAdvSrch").Image("Img_calendar_2").Click
'End If
'text = Browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNAClmAdvSrch").WebElement("Month Year").GetROProperty("innertext")
'msgbox text
'tcounter = 1
'ttime = now
'If tMonYear text Then
'msgbox ttime
'Browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNAClmAdvSrch").WebButton(" 'text = Browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNAClmAdvSrch").WebElement("Month Year").GetROProperty("innertext")
'ttime = now
'msgbox ttime
'If tMonYear = text Then
' Exit do
'end if
'msgbox "to set "&tMonYear & " text :"& text
'tcounter = tcounter + 1
'Loop Until tcounter = 48
'End If
'tdateobj = "<_>'msgbox tdateobj
end function
'# Function: f_ClmWhichwindow
Function f_ClmWhichwindow (tWin1,tWin2,tWin3,tWin4)
vWin = ""
tarWin = Array(tWin1, tWin2, tWin3, tWin4 )
for i = 0 to 3
Select Case tarWin(i)
Case "Consumer Portal Home"
'msgbox " I went in CP HOME section"
if Browser("Browser").Page("Consumer Portal Home").Exist(25) then
if Browser("Browser").Page("Consumer Portal Home").WebElement("Error").Exist(20) then
'msgbox " I went in CP ERROR section"
vWin = "Consumer Portal Home - Error"
'msgbox " The window is" & vWin
Exit for
'msgbox " i went in CP home else section"
vWin = "Consumer Portal Home"
'msgbox " The window is" & vWin
Exit for
end if
end if
Case "myCIGNA_Home"
If browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_HomePage").Link("lnk_Welcome").Exist(25) Then
vWin = "myCIGNA_Home"
Exit for
End If
Case "myCIGNA_Summary"
if browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA").Frame("myCIGNA_Summary").WebElement("lnk_Medical benefit details").Exist(25) then
vWin = "myCIGNA_Summary"
'msgbox " The window is" & vWin
Exit for
end if
Case "myCIGNA_AdvancedClmSearch"
if browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_3").Frame("myCIGNAClmAdvSrch").Exist(25) then
tcheck1 = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_3").Frame("myCIGNAClmAdvSrch").WebRadioGroup("rbtn_dateType").Exist(5)
'msgbox tcheck1
tcheck2 = Browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_3").Frame("myCIGNAClmAdvSrch").Image("Img_calendar").Exist(1)
'msgbox tcheck2
tcheck3 = Browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_3").Frame("myCIGNAClmAdvSrch").Image("Img_calendar_2").Exist(1)
'msgbox tcheck3
elseif Browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_ClaimsSummary2").Exist(25) then
tcheck4 = Browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_ClaimsSummary2").WebElement("NoClaimsError").Exist(1)
'msgbox tcheck4
end if
if tcheck1 = "True" and tcheck2 = "True" and tcheck3 = "True" then
'msgbox "I am in this section after all three are TRUE"
If browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_ClaimsSummary2").WebElement("UnavailableError").Exist Then
vWin = "myCIGNA_AdvancedClmSearch - Error1"
Exit for
elseif browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNAClmAdvSrchErr").WebElement("tbl_Error").Exist then
vWin = "myCIGNA_AdvancedClmSearch - Error"
'msgbox " The window is" & vWin
Exit for
vWin = "myCIGNA_AdvancedClmSearch"
'msgbox " The window is" & vWin
Exit for
end if
elseif tcheck4 = "True" then
vWin = "myCIGNA_AdvancedClmSearch - NoClmError"
'msgbox " The window is" & vWin
Exit for
end if
Case "myCIGNA_ClaimSummary"
if browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_ClaimsSummary").WebTable("tbl_Search Result").Exist(25) then
vWin = "myCIGNA_ClaimSummary"
'msgbox " The window is" & vWin
Exit for
end if
Case "myCIGNA_ClaimDetails"
if browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_ClaimDetails").WebTable("tbl_DetailLines").Exist(25) then
vWin = "myCIGNA_ClaimDetails"
'msgbox " The window is" & vWin
Exit for
end if
Case ""
'msgbox " i am in empty section"
Case Else
'msgbox " This window is not defined "
End Select
if vWin = "" then
vWin = "UnExpected Window"
end if
'msgbox " The win before returning is " & vWin
f_ClmWhichwindow = vWin
End Function
'# Function: f_MedCTWhichwindow
Function f_MedCTWhichwindow (tWin1,tWin2,tWin3,tWin4)
vWin = ""
tarWin = Array(tWin1, tWin2, tWin3, tWin4 )
for i = 0 to 3
Select Case tarWin(i)
Case "Consumer Portal Home"
'msgbox " I went in CP HOME section"
if Browser("Browser").Page("Consumer Portal Home").Exist(25) then
if Browser("Browser").Page("Consumer Portal Home").WebElement("Error").Exist(20) then
vWin = "Consumer Portal Home - Error"
Exit for
vWin = "Consumer Portal Home"
Exit for
end if
end if
Case "myCIGNA_Home"
If browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_HomePage").Link("lnk_Welcome").Exist(25) Then
vWin = "myCIGNA_Home"
Exit for
End If
Case "myCIGNA_Summary"
check1 = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_MedCostTracker_Sum2").Link("lnk_View deductibles and maximums").Exist(30)
check2 = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA").Frame("myCIGNA_Summary").WebElement("lnk_Medical benefit details").Exist(5)
if check1 = "True" then
vWin = "myCIGNA_Summary"
Exit for
elseif check1 = "False" and check2 ="True" then
vWin = "myCIGNA_Summary1"
Exit for
end if
Case "myCIGNA_MemberSummary"
if browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_MemberSummary").WebTable("Last Name").Exist then
vWin = "myCIGNA_MemberSummary"
Exit for
end if
Case "myCIGNA_CTDetails"
tSelectYear = Browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_MedCostTracker_Details").WebList("lst_InfoFor").Exist(10)
tCTtable = Browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_MedCostTracker_Details").WebTable("tbl_OutofPocketYTD").Exist(10)
if tSelectYear = "True" and tCTtable = "True" then
vWin = "myCIGNA_CTDetails"
'msgbox " The window is" & vWin
Exit for
elseif tSelectYear = "True" and tCTtable = "False" then
vWin = "myCIGNA_CTDetails_Error"
Exit for
end if
Case ""
'msgbox " i am in empty section"
Case Else
'msgbox " This window is not defined "
End Select
if vWin = "" then
vWin = "UnExpected Window"
end if
'msgbox " The win before returning is " & vWin
f_MedCTWhichwindow = vWin
End Function
'# Function: f_DenEBWhichwindow
Function f_DenEBWhichwindow (tWin1,tWin2,tWin3,tWin4)
vWin = ""
tarWin = Array(tWin1, tWin2, tWin3, tWin4 )
for i = 0 to 3
'msgbox tarWin(i)
Select Case tarWin(i)
Case "Consumer Portal Home"
if Browser("Browser").Page("Consumer Portal Home").Exist(25) then
if Browser("Browser").Page("Consumer Portal Home").WebElement("Error").Exist(20) then
vWin = "Consumer Portal Home - Error"
Exit for
vWin = "Consumer Portal Home"
Exit for
end if
end if
Case "myCIGNA_Home"
If browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_HomePage").Link("lnk_Welcome").Exist(25) Then
vWin = "myCIGNA_Home"
Exit for
End If
Case "myCIGNA_DenSummary"
texist = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA").Frame("myCIGNA_Summary").Link("lnk_Dental").Exist(4)
tselected = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA").Frame("myCIGNA_Summary").Link("lnk_Dental").GetROProperty("class")
If texist = "True" and tselected = "selected" Then
texist1 = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_DentalSummary").Link("View your dental benefit").Exist
If texist1 = "True" Then
vWin = "myCIGNA_DenSummary"
vWin = "myCIGNA_DenSummary1"
end if
Exit for
elseif texist = "True" and tselected = "" Then
texist1 = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_DentalSummary").Link("View your dental benefit").Exist
If texist1 = "True" Then
vWin = "myCIGNA_DenSummary"
vWin = "myCIGNA_DenSummary1"
end if
Exit for
elseif texist = "False" and tselected = "" then
vWin = "myCIGNA_DenSummary_Unavailable"
Exit for
End If
Case "myCIGNA_DentalMbrSummary"
if browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_DentalMbrSummary").WebTable("tbl_MbrInfo").Exist then
vWin = "myCIGNA_DentalMbrSummary"
Exit for
end if
Case "myCIGNA_DentalBenefitsDtls"
ttblexist =browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_DenBenefitsDetails").WebTable("tbl_DenBenefits").Exist
If ttblexist = "True" Then
vWin = "myCIGNA_DentalBenefitsDtls"
Exit for
End If
Case "myCIGNA_DentalCTDetails"
tCTtable = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_DenCostTracker_Details").WebTable("tbl_Details").Exist(10)
tCTRows = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_DenCostTracker_Details").WebTable("tbl_Details").RowCount
if tCTRows > 6 and tCTtable = "True" then
vWin = "myCIGNA_DentalCTDetails"
Exit for
elseif tCTRows vWin = "myCIGNA_DentalCTDetails_Error"
Exit for
end if
Case ""
'msgbox " i am in empty section"
Case Else
'msgbox " This window is not defined "
End Select
if vWin = "" then
vWin = "UnExpected Window"
end if
'msgbox " The win before returning is " & vWin
f_DenEBWhichwindow = vWin
End Function
'# Function: f_DenCTWhichwindow
Function f_DenCTWhichwindow (tWin1,tWin2,tWin3,tWin4)
vWin = ""
tarWin = Array(tWin1, tWin2, tWin3, tWin4 )
for i = 0 to 3
'msgbox tarWin(i)
Select Case tarWin(i)
Case "Consumer Portal Home"
if Browser("Browser").Page("Consumer Portal Home").Exist(25) then
if Browser("Browser").Page("Consumer Portal Home").WebElement("Error").Exist(20) then
vWin = "Consumer Portal Home - Error"
Exit for
vWin = "Consumer Portal Home"
Exit for
end if
end if
Case "myCIGNA_Home"
If browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_HomePage").Link("lnk_Welcome").Exist(25) Then
vWin = "myCIGNA_Home"
Exit for
End If
Case "myCIGNA_DenSummary"
texist = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA").Frame("myCIGNA_Summary").Link("lnk_Dental").Exist(4)
tselected = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA").Frame("myCIGNA_Summary").Link("lnk_Dental").GetROProperty("class")
If texist = "True" and tselected = "selected" Then
texist1 = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_DenCostTracker_Sum1").WebList("lst_CostTrackerSelect").Exist
If texist1 = "True" Then
vWin = "myCIGNA_DenSummary"
vWin = "myCIGNA_DenSummary1"
end if
Exit for
elseif texist = "True" and tselected = "" Then
texist1 = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_DenCostTracker_Sum1").WebList("lst_CostTrackerSelect").Exist
texist2 = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_DenCostTracker_Sum1").Link("lnk_View deductibles and maximums").Exist
If texist1 = "True" and texist2 = "True" Then
vWin = "myCIGNA_DenSummary"
vWin = "myCIGNA_DenSummary1"
end if
Exit for
elseif texist = "False" and tselected = "" then
vWin = "myCIGNA_DenSummary_Unavailable"
Exit for
End If
Case "myCIGNA_DentalMbrSummary"
if browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_DentalMbrSummary").WebTable("tbl_MbrInfo").Exist then
vWin = "myCIGNA_DentalMbrSummary"
Exit for
end if
Case "myCIGNA_DentalBenefitsDtls"
ttblexist =browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_DenBenefitsDetails").WebTable("tbl_DenBenefits").Exist
If ttblexist = "True" Then
vWin = "myCIGNA_DentalBenefitsDtls"
Exit for
End If
Case "myCIGNA_CTDetails"
tSelectYear = Browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_MedCostTracker_Details").WebList("lst_InfoFor").Exist(10)
tCTtable = Browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_MedCostTracker_Details").WebTable("tbl_OutofPocketYTD").Exist(10)
if tSelectYear = "True" and tCTtable = "True" then
vWin = "myCIGNA_CTDetails"
Exit for
elseif tSelectYear = "True" and tCTtable = "False" then
vWin = "myCIGNA_CTDetails_Error"
Exit for
end if
Case ""
Case Else
End Select
if vWin = "" then
vWin = "UnExpected Window"
end if
f_DenCTWhichwindow = vWin
End Function
'# Function: f_DenClmWhichwindow
Function f_DenClmWhichwindow (tWin1,tWin2,tWin3,tWin4)
vWin = ""
tarWin = Array(tWin1, tWin2, tWin3, tWin4 )
for i = 0 to 3
Select Case tarWin(i)
Case "Consumer Portal Home"
if Browser("Browser").Page("Consumer Portal Home").Exist(25) then
if Browser("Browser").Page("Consumer Portal Home").WebElement("Error").Exist(20) then
vWin = "Consumer Portal Home - Error"
Exit for
vWin = "Consumer Portal Home"
Exit for
end if
end if
Case "myCIGNA_Home"
If browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_HomePage").Link("lnk_Welcome").Exist(25) Then
vWin = "myCIGNA_Home"
Exit for
End If
Case "myCIGNA_DenSummary"
texist = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA").Frame("myCIGNA_Summary").Link("lnk_Dental").Exist(35)
tselected = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA").Frame("myCIGNA_Summary").Link("lnk_Dental").GetROProperty("class")
If texist = "True" and tselected = "selected" Then
texist1 = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_DenCostTracker_Sum1").Link("lnk_Advanced date range search").Exist
If texist1 = "True" Then
vWin = "myCIGNA_DenSummary"
vWin = "myCIGNA_DenSummary1"
end if
Exit for
elseif texist = "True" and tselected = "" Then
texist1 = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_DenCostTracker_Sum1").Link("lnk_Advanced date range search").Exist
If texist1 = "True" Then
vWin = "myCIGNA_DenSummary"
vWin = "myCIGNA_DenSummary1"
end if
Exit for
elseif texist = "False" and tselected = "" then
vWin = "myCIGNA_DenSummary_Unavailable"
Exit for
End If
Case "myCIGNA_DentalMbrSummary"
if browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_DentalMbrSummary").WebTable("tbl_MbrInfo").Exist then
vWin = "myCIGNA_DentalMbrSummary"
Exit for
end if
Case "myCIGNA_AdvancedClmSearch"
if browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNADenClmAdvSrch").Exist(25) then
tcheck1 = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNADenClmAdvSrch").WebRadioGroup("rbtn_dateType").Exist(5)
tcheck2 = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNADenClmAdvSrch").Image("Img_calendar").Exist(1)
tcheck3 = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNADenClmAdvSrch").Image("Img_calendar_2").Exist(1)
tcheck5 = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNADenClmAdvSrch").WebElement("Error_Msg").Exist(0)
elseif browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").frame("myCIGNA_DenClaimsSummary").Exist(25) then
tcheck4 = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").frame("myCIGNA_DenClaimsSummary").WebTable("tbl_Error").Exist(1)
end if
If tcheck1 = "True" and tcheck2 = "True" and tcheck3 = "True" then
If tcheck5 = "True" Then
vWin = "myCIGNA_AdvancedClmSearch - Error"
Exit for
vWin = "myCIGNA_AdvancedClmSearch"
Exit for
End If
elseif tcheck4 = "True" then
vWin = "myCIGNA_AdvancedClmSearch - Error1"
Exit for
end if
Case "myCIGNA_ClaimSummary"
if browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").frame("myCIGNA_DenClaimsSummary").webtable("tbl_Search Result").Exist(25) then
vWin = "myCIGNA_ClaimSummary"
Exit for
end if
Case "myCIGNA_ClaimDetails"
if browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNA_DenClaimDetails").WebTable("tbl_DetailLines").Exist(25) then
vWin = "myCIGNA_ClaimDetails"
Exit for
end if
Case ""
'msgbox " i am in empty section"
Case Else
'msgbox " This window is not defined "
End Select
if vWin = "" then
vWin = "UnExpected Window"
end if
f_DenClmWhichwindow = vWin
End Function
'# Function: f_DenSelectCalendarDate
Function f_DenSelectCalendarDate(tcalendar, tcalendardate)
tdate = tcalendardate
tcal = tcalendar
arrdate = split(tdate,"/")
tmonth = arrdate(0)
tmonthname = MonthName(tmonth)
tMonYear = tmonthname &" "&arrdate(2)
If tcal = 1 Then
tdate1 = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNADenClmAdvSrch").webedit("fromDate").GetROProperty("value")
elseif tcal = 2 then
tdate1 = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNADenClmAdvSrch").webedit("toDate").GetROProperty("value")
End If
tdate = cdate(tdate)
x = datediff("d", tdate, tdate1)
text = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNADenClmAdvSrch").WebElement("Month Year").GetROProperty("innertext")
tcounter = 1
If tMonYear text Then
'msgbox ttime
if x > 0 then
browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNADenClmAdvSrch").WebButton(" elseif x browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNADenClmAdvSrch").WebButton(">").Click
end if
text = browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNADenClmAdvSrch").WebElement("Month Year").GetROProperty("innertext")
If tMonYear = text Then
Exit do
end if
tcounter = tcounter + 1
Loop Until tcounter = 48
End if
tdateobj = "<_> browser("myCIGNA").Page("myCIGNA_2").Frame("myCIGNADenClmAdvSrch").WebElement(tdateobj).click
end function