Exercising the Firewall

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    Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation


        Sample code for the Windows Firewall COM interface.


#include "windows.h"

#include "crtdbg.h"

#include "netfw.h"

#include "objbase.h"

#include "oleauto.h"

#include "stdio.h"

#pragma comment( lib, "ole32.lib" )

#pragma comment( lib, "oleaut32.lib" )

HRESULT WindowsFirewallInitialize(OUT INetFwProfile** fwProfile)


    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    INetFwMgr* fwMgr = NULL;

    INetFwPolicy* fwPolicy = NULL;

    _ASSERT(fwProfile != NULL);

    *fwProfile = NULL;

    // Create an instance of the firewall settings manager.

    hr = CoCreateInstance(







    if (FAILED(hr))


        printf("CoCreateInstance failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

        goto error;


    // Retrieve the local firewall policy.

    hr = fwMgr->get_LocalPolicy(&fwPolicy);

    if (FAILED(hr))


        printf("get_LocalPolicy failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

        goto error;


    // Retrieve the firewall profile currently in effect.

    hr = fwPolicy->get_CurrentProfile(fwProfile);

    if (FAILED(hr))


        printf("get_CurrentProfile failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

        goto error;



    // Release the local firewall policy.

    if (fwPolicy != NULL)




    // Release the firewall settings manager.

    if (fwMgr != NULL)




    return hr;


void WindowsFirewallCleanup(IN INetFwProfile* fwProfile)


    // Release the firewall profile.

    if (fwProfile != NULL)





HRESULT WindowsFirewallIsOn(IN INetFwProfile* fwProfile, OUT BOOL* fwOn)


    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    VARIANT_BOOL fwEnabled;

    _ASSERT(fwProfile != NULL);

    _ASSERT(fwOn != NULL);

    *fwOn = FALSE;

    // Get the current state of the firewall.

    hr = fwProfile->get_FirewallEnabled(&fwEnabled);

    if (FAILED(hr))


        printf("get_FirewallEnabled failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

        goto error;


    // Check to see if the firewall is on.

    if (fwEnabled != VARIANT_FALSE)


        *fwOn = TRUE;

        printf("The firewall is on.n");




        printf("The firewall is off.n");



    return hr;


HRESULT WindowsFirewallTurnOn(IN INetFwProfile* fwProfile)


    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    BOOL fwOn;

    _ASSERT(fwProfile != NULL);

    // Check to see if the firewall is off.

    hr = WindowsFirewallIsOn(fwProfile, &fwOn);

    if (FAILED(hr))


        printf("WindowsFirewallIsOn failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

        goto error;


    // If it is, turn it on.

    if (!fwOn)


        // Turn the firewall on.

        hr = fwProfile->put_FirewallEnabled(VARIANT_TRUE);

        if (FAILED(hr))


            printf("put_FirewallEnabled failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

            goto error;


        printf("The firewall is now on.n");



    return hr;


HRESULT WindowsFirewallTurnOff(IN INetFwProfile* fwProfile)


    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    BOOL fwOn;

    _ASSERT(fwProfile != NULL);

    // Check to see if the firewall is on.

    hr = WindowsFirewallIsOn(fwProfile, &fwOn);

    if (FAILED(hr))


        printf("WindowsFirewallIsOn failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

        goto error;


    // If it is, turn it off.

    if (fwOn)


        // Turn the firewall off.

        hr = fwProfile->put_FirewallEnabled(VARIANT_FALSE);

        if (FAILED(hr))


            printf("put_FirewallEnabled failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

            goto error;


        printf("The firewall is now off.n");



    return hr;


HRESULT WindowsFirewallAppIsEnabled(

            IN INetFwProfile* fwProfile,

            IN const wchar_t* fwProcessImageFileName,

            OUT BOOL* fwAppEnabled



    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    BSTR fwBstrProcessImageFileName = NULL;

    VARIANT_BOOL fwEnabled;

    INetFwAuthorizedApplication* fwApp = NULL;

    INetFwAuthorizedApplications* fwApps = NULL;

    _ASSERT(fwProfile != NULL);

    _ASSERT(fwProcessImageFileName != NULL);

    _ASSERT(fwAppEnabled != NULL);

    *fwAppEnabled = FALSE;

    // Retrieve the authorized application collection.

    hr = fwProfile->get_AuthorizedApplications(&fwApps);

    if (FAILED(hr))


        printf("get_AuthorizedApplications failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

        goto error;


    // Allocate a BSTR for the process image file name.

    fwBstrProcessImageFileName = SysAllocString(fwProcessImageFileName);

    if (fwBstrProcessImageFileName == NULL)


        hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;

        printf("SysAllocString failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

        goto error;


    // Attempt to retrieve the authorized application.

    hr = fwApps->Item(fwBstrProcessImageFileName, &fwApp);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))


        // Find out if the authorized application is enabled.

        hr = fwApp->get_Enabled(&fwEnabled);

        if (FAILED(hr))


            printf("get_Enabled failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

            goto error;


        if (fwEnabled != VARIANT_FALSE)


            // The authorized application is enabled.

            *fwAppEnabled = TRUE;


                "Authorized application %lS is enabled in the firewall.n",







                "Authorized application %lS is disabled in the firewall.n",







        // The authorized application was not in the collection.

        hr = S_OK;


            "Authorized application %lS is disabled in the firewall.n",





    // Free the BSTR.


    // Release the authorized application instance.

    if (fwApp != NULL)




    // Release the authorized application collection.

    if (fwApps != NULL)




    return hr;


HRESULT WindowsFirewallAddApp(

            IN INetFwProfile* fwProfile,

            IN const wchar_t* fwProcessImageFileName,

            IN const wchar_t* fwName



    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    BOOL fwAppEnabled;

    BSTR fwBstrName = NULL;

    BSTR fwBstrProcessImageFileName = NULL;

    INetFwAuthorizedApplication* fwApp = NULL;

    INetFwAuthorizedApplications* fwApps = NULL;

    _ASSERT(fwProfile != NULL);

    _ASSERT(fwProcessImageFileName != NULL);

    _ASSERT(fwName != NULL);

    // First check to see if the application is already authorized.

    hr = WindowsFirewallAppIsEnabled(





    if (FAILED(hr))


        printf("WindowsFirewallAppIsEnabled failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

        goto error;


    // Only add the application if it isn't already authorized.

    if (!fwAppEnabled)


        // Retrieve the authorized application collection.

        hr = fwProfile->get_AuthorizedApplications(&fwApps);

        if (FAILED(hr))


            printf("get_AuthorizedApplications failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

            goto error;


        // Create an instance of an authorized application.

        hr = CoCreateInstance(







        if (FAILED(hr))


            printf("CoCreateInstance failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

            goto error;


        // Allocate a BSTR for the process image file name.

        fwBstrProcessImageFileName = SysAllocString(fwProcessImageFileName);

        if (fwBstrProcessImageFileName == NULL)


            hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;

            printf("SysAllocString failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

            goto error;


        // Set the process image file name.

        hr = fwApp->put_ProcessImageFileName(fwBstrProcessImageFileName);

        if (FAILED(hr))


            printf("put_ProcessImageFileName failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

            goto error;


        // Allocate a BSTR for the application friendly name.

        fwBstrName = SysAllocString(fwName);

        if (SysStringLen(fwBstrName) == 0)


            hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;

            printf("SysAllocString failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

            goto error;


        // Set the application friendly name.

        hr = fwApp->put_Name(fwBstrName);

        if (FAILED(hr))


            printf("put_Name failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

            goto error;


        // Add the application to the collection.

        hr = fwApps->Add(fwApp);

        if (FAILED(hr))


            printf("Add failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

            goto error;



            "Authorized application %lS is now enabled in the firewall.n",





    // Free the BSTRs.



    // Release the authorized application instance.

    if (fwApp != NULL)




    // Release the authorized application collection.

    if (fwApps != NULL)




    return hr;


HRESULT WindowsFirewallPortIsEnabled(

            IN INetFwProfile* fwProfile,

            IN LONG portNumber,

            IN NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL ipProtocol,

            OUT BOOL* fwPortEnabled



    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    VARIANT_BOOL fwEnabled;

    INetFwOpenPort* fwOpenPort = NULL;

    INetFwOpenPorts* fwOpenPorts = NULL;

    _ASSERT(fwProfile != NULL);

    _ASSERT(fwPortEnabled != NULL);

    *fwPortEnabled = FALSE;

    // Retrieve the globally open ports collection.

    hr = fwProfile->get_GloballyOpenPorts(&fwOpenPorts);

    if (FAILED(hr))


        printf("get_GloballyOpenPorts failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

        goto error;


    // Attempt to retrieve the globally open port.

    hr = fwOpenPorts->Item(portNumber, ipProtocol, &fwOpenPort);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))


        // Find out if the globally open port is enabled.

        hr = fwOpenPort->get_Enabled(&fwEnabled);

        if (FAILED(hr))


            printf("get_Enabled failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

            goto error;


        if (fwEnabled != VARIANT_FALSE)


            // The globally open port is enabled.

            *fwPortEnabled = TRUE;

            printf("Port %ld is open in the firewall.n", portNumber);




            printf("Port %ld is not open in the firewall.n", portNumber);





        // The globally open port was not in the collection.

        hr = S_OK;

        printf("Port %ld is not open in the firewall.n", portNumber);



    // Release the globally open port.

    if (fwOpenPort != NULL)




    // Release the globally open ports collection.

    if (fwOpenPorts != NULL)




    return hr;


HRESULT WindowsFirewallPortAdd(

            IN INetFwProfile* fwProfile,

            IN LONG portNumber,

            IN NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL ipProtocol,

            IN const wchar_t* name



    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    BOOL fwPortEnabled;

    BSTR fwBstrName = NULL;

    INetFwOpenPort* fwOpenPort = NULL;

    INetFwOpenPorts* fwOpenPorts = NULL;

    _ASSERT(fwProfile != NULL);

    _ASSERT(name != NULL);

    // First check to see if the port is already added.

    hr = WindowsFirewallPortIsEnabled(






    if (FAILED(hr))


        printf("WindowsFirewallPortIsEnabled failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

        goto error;


    // Only add the port if it isn't already added.

    if (!fwPortEnabled)


        // Retrieve the collection of globally open ports.

        hr = fwProfile->get_GloballyOpenPorts(&fwOpenPorts);

        if (FAILED(hr))


            printf("get_GloballyOpenPorts failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

            goto error;


        // Create an instance of an open port.

        hr = CoCreateInstance(







        if (FAILED(hr))


            printf("CoCreateInstance failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

            goto error;


        // Set the port number.

        hr = fwOpenPort->put_Port(portNumber);

        if (FAILED(hr))


            printf("put_Port failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

            goto error;


        // Set the IP protocol.

        hr = fwOpenPort->put_Protocol(ipProtocol);

        if (FAILED(hr))


            printf("put_Protocol failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

            goto error;


        // Allocate a BSTR for the friendly name of the port.

        fwBstrName = SysAllocString(name);

        if (SysStringLen(fwBstrName) == 0)


            hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;

            printf("SysAllocString failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

            goto error;


        // Set the friendly name of the port.

        hr = fwOpenPort->put_Name(fwBstrName);

        if (FAILED(hr))


            printf("put_Name failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

            goto error;


        // Opens the port and adds it to the collection.

        hr = fwOpenPorts->Add(fwOpenPort);

        if (FAILED(hr))


            printf("Add failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

            goto error;


        printf("Port %ld is now open in the firewall.n", portNumber);



    // Free the BSTR.


    // Release the open port instance.

    if (fwOpenPort != NULL)




    // Release the globally open ports collection.

    if (fwOpenPorts != NULL)




    return hr;


int __cdecl wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[])


    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    HRESULT comInit = E_FAIL;

    INetFwProfile* fwProfile = NULL;

    // Initialize COM.

    comInit = CoInitializeEx(




   // Ignore RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE; this just means that COM has already been

   // initialized with a different mode. Since we don't care what the mode is,

   // we'll just use the existing mode.

   if (comInit != RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE)


        hr = comInit;

        if (FAILED(hr))


            printf("CoInitializeEx failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

            goto error;



    // Retrieve the firewall profile currently in effect.

    hr = WindowsFirewallInitialize(&fwProfile);

    if (FAILED(hr))


        printf("WindowsFirewallInitialize failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

        goto error;


    // Turn off the firewall.

    hr = WindowsFirewallTurnOff(fwProfile);

    if (FAILED(hr))


        printf("WindowsFirewallTurnOff failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

        goto error;


    // Turn on the firewall.

    hr = WindowsFirewallTurnOn(fwProfile);

    if (FAILED(hr))


        printf("WindowsFirewallTurnOn failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

        goto error;


    // Add Windows Messenger to the authorized application collection.

    hr = WindowsFirewallAddApp(



            L"Windows Messenger"


    if (FAILED(hr))


        printf("WindowsFirewallAddApp failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

        goto error;


    // Add TCP::80 to list of globally open ports.

    hr = WindowsFirewallPortAdd(fwProfile, 80, NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL_TCP, L"WWW");

    if (FAILED(hr))


        printf("WindowsFirewallPortAdd failed: 0x%08lxn", hr);

        goto error;



    // Release the firewall profile.


    // Uninitialize COM.

    if (SUCCEEDED(comInit))




    return 0;

