炎热的夏日,无意中又听到了电影《齐瓦哥医生 Doctor Zhivago》主题曲《Lara's Theme》,突然想起了艾丽,想起了2006年的冬天,《音乐快递》的艾丽曾经送给我这首钢琴曲,当时我就陶醉在那流畅动听的旋律里。电影的主题歌曲《Somewhere My Love 重逢有日》,也是旋律悠扬,歌词感人,Andy Williams的把这首歌曲演绎的非常好,歌中唱道:
"Somewhere my love, there will be songs to sing Although the snow covers the hope of Spring
Somewhere a hill blossoms in green and gold And there are dreams all that your heart can hold
Someday, we'll meet again, my love Someday, whenever the Spring breaks through You'll come to me out of the long ago Warm as the wind, soft as the kiss of snow
'til then my sweet, think of me now and then God speed my love 'til you are mine again"
随后,我还去网上查询了电影《齐瓦哥医生 Doctor Zhivago》相关介绍,读后才知道,电影是“描写理想主义者的医生日瓦戈和热情奔放的护士娜拉之间的爱情故事。剧情曲折,壮丽的北国风光和动荡的革命背景亦增强了影片的可看性。奥玛·沙里夫饰汪日瓦戈,他从小被唐雅的父母收养长大后就娶了唐雅为妻。但是在第一次世界大战期间,日瓦戈认识了裁缝漂亮的女儿娜拉,两人坠入爱河时却碰上十月革命发生而被逼分离。
Pasternak was named the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1958. On 25 October, two days after hearing that he had won, Pasternak sent the following telegram to the Swedish Academy:
Considering the meaning this award has been given in the society to which I belong, I must refuse it. Please do not take offense at my voluntary rejection.
The Swedish Academy announced:
This refusal, of course, in no way alters the validity of the award. There remains only for the Academy, however, to announce with regret that the presentation of the Prize cannot take place.
Pasternak had declined under intense pressure from Soviet authorities. Despite turning down the award, Soviet officials soured on Pasternak, and he was threatened at the very least with expulsion. In response, Pasternak wrote to Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev,
"Leaving the motherland will equal death for me. I am tied to Russia by birth, by life and work."伊万诺夫、丘科夫斯基“在痛苦与孤寂中度过他苦难一生中的最后两年”。