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          “老样子,来一份。”他用微弱的声音粗声粗气地说,一边把几枚硬币放在柜台上。春丽打开一个盒子,抓了一把鸦片 称了一盎司。



几个小时过去了, 春丽又回来接替哥哥。她走进里屋去招呼那些客人。她环顾四周,那些曾经是鲜活的生命此时已如同鬼魅一般,不省人事了。她厌恶地摇了摇头,觉得这些人根本不应该来这里把命抽掉。她自己绝不会和这些人一样的。









“都是修那铁路造的孽。那可不是一个好兆头,我是说那条铁路。 刚才我看见你哥哥了,那些外国人想让他也去修铁路,让他别去,否则他也会像我一样。”








几个月过去了,春丽一直没有哥哥的音讯。一天,她正在打扫烟馆为第二天开门做准备时, 一个外表疲惫不堪的人走了进来。














以上是我上10年级的儿子写的一篇英文作文,我之所以把它翻译过来,不是因为这篇文章本身写的有多么好。 其实,这不是一篇英文课上的作文,而是一份社会研究课(Social Studies)上的作业。老师要求学生们在学完加拿大移民史之后根据学到的知识而编写一个小故事,儿子就发挥他的特长用两天时间完成了一个小小说。




The Dull Poppy

Chun-Li woke up to the rays of the rising sun. Business season had begun; it was time to harvest the poppies. She groggily got out of bed, dressed, and headed towards the backyard of her home turned laundromat. It was raining heavily; it rained a lot more in Vancouver than back in China, which was good for the poppies. She checked the maturity of the poppies; sure enough, most of the petals had dropped off, and the poppy capsules were swelling noticeably. She quickly cut off the heads of all the poppies in the garden into a pail, and brought them inside for the next step of the process. Once inside, she slit each poppy head multiple times with her nushtur, a special tool with 4 blades. She hung each poppy head up above a collecting bucket before leaving the room.

          Afterwards, Chun-Li collected all the sap from the poppy heads, and set it aside to dry. Now, she had to prepare the goods for the customers of her family's business, as they opened for business tomorrow. She took out a chest filled with 40 balls of raw opium sap that was prepared last year. She sighed heavily. Her father was obsessed with the quality of the opium they sold; he insisted on growing and refining the opium themselves, instead of simply purchasing opium. However, her father had recently fallen ill; his health had been declining ever since he came to Canada for the gold rush, according to her mother, as Chun-Li hadn't been born at that time. Chun-Li's mother spent all her time caring for him, so the family business was left to Chun-Li and her brother, Fei Long. Chun-Li took an opium ball and broke it open, starting the long process to produce opium for smoking. She scooped out the gelatinous mass within the opium ball and set it aside. After repeating this process for the rest of the balls, she took all of the shells, and boiled them in a large pot of water until they had dissolved. She then took the mixture and poured it through pieces of stiff paper, separating the opium, which she then mixed with the gelatinous mass from the core of the shells. Chun-Li spent the rest of the day boiling and refining the opium with her brother, repeating processes over and over until they met her father's strict standards. At the end of the day, she was left with many blocks of dried, ready to smoke opium, to sell the next day. Exhausted, Chun-Li went to bed, not looking forward to when she would have to open the business' doors.

          The next day, Chun-Li found herself cleaning and preparing the large, cozy room that served as the opium den used for the business. She wrinkled her nose as she went in. The fumes from last season still had not completely cleared out. She straightened all of the pillows, readied the recliners and headrests, and set out the various tools the smokers required: The Yen Dong, the lamp used to light to pipes, the Sui Pow, a sponge, the dow, the pipe bowl, the Yen Ngow, the bowl scraper, and finally, multiple Yen Tshungs, the opium pipes. Sighing again, she reluctantly opened the doors for business.

          The first person in the doors was a regular, Mr. Ching. He looked worse than the last time Chun-Li saw him; skinnier, weaker, with a hollow look in his eyes. He stumbled over to Chun-Li, knees quivering with the anticipation of the ecstasy he was about to experience.

          "Give me the regular", he wheezed in a raspy voice. He placed some coins on the counter. Chun-Li opened a chest of prepared opium and took out a handful. Using a small set of scales, she measured out an ounce of the drug.

          "Here you go, Mr. Ching", she said as she handed him the opium. Collecting the coins, she watched sadly as Mr. Ching lumbered into the den. Ever since his wife had died last year, he had been smoking his life away, spending every possible moment smoking to get away from his troubles. At that time, Fei Long came in, ready to take the till duties away from Chun-Li; now, Chun-Li could go do the laundry.

          A few hours later, Chun-Li came back to switch duties with her brother. She went inside the den to attend to the needs of the smokers. She looked around the room, filled with ghosts of once-healthy human beings, many of them passed out. She shook her head in disgust; these people shouldn't be here, smoking their lives away. She for one definitely wouldn't end up like these people. However, on closer inspection, Chun-Li noticed something strange. There were a lot more people in the room than usual, and many of them were not of her race. These unfamiliar people were taking up most of the room, mumbling in their strange language or simply passed out like many others. Backing out of the door, she asked her brother:


          "Where did all these foreigners come from? Why are they here?"

          "I heard they are building a railway," Fei Long replied. "They've hired many workers to work on it, including Chinese."

          Chun Li was quite surprised; not many foreigners came to their business. There wasn't much she could do except adjust, so she went back in to attend to the needs of the smokers. She emptied the ashtrays, and relit any lamps that had been snuffed out. As she moved around, a hand reached out and caught her arm. Surprised, she dropped the ashtray she had been holding, which shattered with a loud sound. No one in the room even stirred from their state of oblivion. She looked at the person who had touched her. He was a young Chinese man, with nothing exceptional about him; however, when Chun-Li looked at his legs, she saw in horror that one of them had been terribly mangled and broken.

          "You see that?" the man whispered. Chun-Li nodded, eyes wide open. "That's what happened to me from working on that railroad. It's a bad omen, that railroad. I saw your brother come in earlier. The foreigners were trying to talk him into going with them earlier. Try to talk him out of it, or he may just end up like me."

          Chun-Li felt fear rising up in her. She quickly turned to back out of the room to find her brother.

          "Go girl, go", the man whispered before passing out.

          Chun-Li raced out of the den, and upstairs to where she and her family lived. She burst into the room she shared with her brother. Sure enough, she found Fei Long packing his things.

          "What are you doing, brother?!" she cried. "Are you seriously thinking of leaving?"

          "Calm down, sister," he replied. "The foreigners say it's a great job! You get food, housing, and a dollar a day, working with other Chinese people! A dollar a day! That would be almost doubling our income! Besides, it's boring running this laundromat; it's no work for someone like me."

          "I still don't think it's a good idea," Chun-Li retorted. "You're just leaving me to do all this work?"

          "When I come back, we won't need to run this business! We would even have enough to go back to China if we wanted! I'll write to you if I can, to see how you're all doing." Fei Long replied. "Besides, it's my decision, and you can't stop me!" He ran out the door, heading downstairs.

          Chun-Li sat on the bed, thinking of what might happen to him. He could very likely be hurt, and her parents would be worried sick! She could her him conversing with the foreigners downstairs. She felt almost ready to cry. 

          Months passed, and Chun-Li still had not heard from Fei Long. One day, as she was readying the den for business the next day, someone came in. It was a Chinese man, worn out and tired.

         Sorry, sir, but were not open yet, Chun-Li said.

          Im not here for your services, the man replied. Im here to give you this. He held out a wrapped cloth bundle.

          Whats this? Chun-Li asked. 


          Theyre bones. the man replied. Your brothers bones. He was killed in a cave-in a few months ago. We arent allowed to leave the workplace, so no one could tell you about this. I was hurt in another cave-in recently, and I was discharged, so I decided to take your brothers bones back home.

          Chun-Li was numb. She knew something would happen! How could he have completely disregarded all the warnings she gave him! How could she tell her parents? The Chinese man left. Chun-Li didnt care. She didnt care about anything anymore. Her family was in ruins; how could she support her parents all by herself? She felt completely hopeless, like a small child again. She went into the opium den and closed the door, lying on one of the recliners. The fumes in the room seemed to calm her a bit, soothing her frayed nerves. She looked at a pipe on the table next to her. There was some of her opium next to it, as well as a lamp. No, she thought, I promised myself I would never be like these people. I PROMISED! What would my parents think? And my brother?

          Just thinking about Fei Long made her tear up. She looked at the items wistfully. At that moment, Chun-Li decided she simply did not care anymore. She  quickly lit the lamp, as well as the pipe, and inhaled deeply. Chun-Lis eyes opened in wonder. How good this felt! She kept inhaling on the pipe until she could feel nothing. No troubles, no worries to bother her. She closed her eyes and relaxed for the first time in almost a year.

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