Father's Day is here again. It happened again that my parents were in town. Dad didn't want to go out and wanted to have quiet dinner at home. We know that he likes Steak. Then simple steak dinner might be easy to please everyone...
Salad: Gourmet salad from our garden
Soup: Sweet corn soup
Main course: Ribeye steak
Side dish: Oven roast sweet potatoes
Desert: Strawberry Rhubarb cobbler with ice cream
汤: 玉米汤
First of all, Salad and soup: 首先来看看色拉和汤
Salad is in season. I planted different type of salad. It called gourmet salad blend. It was great combination. Dressing was homemade Italian vinagrette.
色拉菜正好是季节, 今年我们种了不同种类的色拉菜,味道不同,配菜非常好,色拉酱是自己做的意大利香醋酱汁,以前写过上百次,就不罗嗦了。
Sweet corn soup was made from the sweet corn harvested from last year. It was in our freezer.
2 slice of bacon, cut into small pieces (两条bacon,切小块)
3 cup of sweet corn kennel (三杯甜玉米粒)
1/4 cup chopped onion (1/4杯洋葱丁)
1 cup water (1 杯水)
1 cup whole milk (1 杯全脂牛奶)
Salt and pepper for taste (盐,胡椒粉少许)
Procedure: (做法)
1. Heavy medium sauce pan on medium heat. Add bacon and cook until brown and remove, reserve the bacon for later use. 取一只厚底锅加热煎BACON,然后取出煎好的BACON
2. Add onion and saute until soft, about 2 minutes 加入洋葱丁炒软,大约2分钟左右
3. Add sweet corn saute for another 2 minutes and add water. Heat thru to boil. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and pour into a blender. Blend it until it reaches smooth state. Return it back to the sauce pan and heat thru. Add milk and salt pepper to taste. Serve hot with dry bacon bits on the top. It was delicious. Dad liked the soup very much even this is the first time. 加入甜玉米炒2分钟,加水煮开。盖好盖子小火煮10分钟,倒入搅拌器打碎,倒回锅里煮开,加入牛奶,盐和胡椒粉调味。盛入汤碗中撒上碎bacon。又香又甜,老爸虽然第一次吃,却不停地说好吃。
Below is the salad I picked from our garden and the Sweet Corn Soup. 下图是菜园里采来的色拉菜和玉米汤:

Grill Ribeye steak and Roast Sweet Potatoes
Ribeye steak is my dad's favorite. Everyone knows how to grill the steak. I don't need to say anything here. Oven roasted sweet potatoes were so sweet. It was perfect match.

Desert: Strawberry Rhubarb cobbler with ice cream
Both strawberry and rhubarb are from our garden. Strawberry and rhubarb chopped mixed with sugar. Put them into individual baking dish and top with oat meal brown sugar topping.
Oat meal brown sugar toppings:
1.5 cup of old fashion oat meal
1/2 cup flour
1/4 cup dark brown sugar
Pinch of salt
1/2 cup butter, cold
Mix all above together and top of the strawberry rhubarb mixture. Bake them in a preheated oven at 350F for about 30 to 40 minutes, or until topping is golden brown and strawberry rhubarb mixture is bubbling.

To serve, cool the baking dishes on a rack not completely, but still slightly warm. Top with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and enjoy.

Here is another picture:再看一张照片

Take a close look:近看看

Everyone liked the meal and desert. It was simple and delicious.