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tt:  hello?!
dude i only have 2 songs left
and thats for piano. it is around 2:30
 Sent at 2:32 PM on Friday
 me:  hello
that's great!
I tried to call you earlier, but you are not at home...
 Sent at 2:35 PM on Friday
 tt:   oh! when?
 Sent at 3:12 PM on Friday
me:   2pm something,did you go out for lunch?
 Sent at 3:27 PM on Friday
tt:    yes hi
 Sent at 3:31 PM on Friday
me:  finished everything?
 Sent at 3:35 PM on Friday
 tt:   now? yep
me:   哈?
you finished everything?
good for you.
 tt:    hi
im playing now
me:  did you write up the stuff I asked you write?
prepared for the writing class etc?
 tt:   有
 me:  哇!中文!
 tt:    都做好了
me:  你好棒!
 tt:   yep 哈哈
 me:  哈哈
tt:    现在我在玩儿
me:  你厉害!
 tt:    你现在在做什么?
 me:  上班!挣钱。。。。
 Sent at 4:13 PM on Friday
 tt:   what?
 me:  working! earn money!
 tt:  oh
 Sent at 4:16 PM on Friday
 tt:    那就byebye了吧
