![]() | -- 音樂是選擇自Pink Martini三個不同的歌曲專輯Splendor in the Grass, Hey Eugene! 和Sympathique, 請點擊左下角地上的唱片封面來播放音樂 -- 樂隊介紹: 一個來自美國Oregon 奧瑞岡州Portland 波特蘭市,擁有十二名團員的沙龍音樂團, 沒有國際唱片公司的龐大預算撐腰,卻在競爭激烈的法國單曲排行榜上奪下第十 七名的佳績,並且入圍法國樂壇大獎『Les Victoires de la Musique』『音樂之光音樂 獎』的『年度最佳歌曲』以及『最佳新人獎』,並且奪得白金唱片,他們是Pink Martini 紅粉馬汀尼! 紅粉馬丁尼Pink Martini於1994年成立於美國波特蘭,是鋼琴手Thomas M. Lauderdale 組建了它。由12位頂尖音樂好手所組成,包括人聲、弦樂、管樂與打擊樂器群; 他們展現出的樂風是多元且國際化的!其音樂風格揉合爵士樂、古典樂及古巴音 樂,讓樂迷在聆賞的同時,彷彿置身於歐洲音樂廳、美國電影院與南美酒吧的微 醺中!對紅粉馬丁尼樂團而言,他們以嚴肅的態度來製作音樂;然而音樂的表演 方式卻是可以不拘形式且令聽眾在充滿驚奇的氣氛中放鬆、享受! Pink Martini is a 12-member "little orchestra" from Portland, Oregon, formed in 1994 by pianist Thomas M. Lauderdale. They draw inspiration from music from all over the world – crossing genres of classical, jazz and old-fashioned pop. Band leader, Thomas Lauderdale describes the band's sound as "music of the world without being world music. If the United Nations had a house band in 1962 hopefully Pink Martini would be that band. "My hope is that we’re creating exquisite musical wallpaper which can be turned up or down, and played on almost any occasion, from background music to a love affair to vacuuming around the house." 曲目: 01. Ninna Nanna (from album Splendor in the Grass) 02. Ohayoo Ohio (from album Splendor in the Grass) 03. Splendor in the Grass (from album Splendor in the Grass) 04. Ou est ma tete (from album Splendor in the Grass) 05. And Then You're Gone (from album Splendor in the Grass) 06. Over the Valley (from album Splendor in the Grass) 07. Tempo Perdido (from album Hey Eugene!) 08. Hey Eugene (from album Hey Eugene!) 09. Tea For Two (from album Hey Eugene!) 10. Let's Never Stop Falling In Love (from album Hang On Little Tomato) 11. Hang On Little Tomato (from album Hang On Little Tomato) 12. Amado Mio (from album Sympathique) 13. Sympathique (from album Sympathique) 14. Que Sera Sera (from album Sympathique) ** All music are samplers only Toutes les musiques sont des échantillonneurs seulement ** 请阅读更多我的博客文章>>> |