我的favorite, 经常做的, 很好吃, 容易做,
每次看着图片, 口水都流了一地。。。
还有视频的做法: http://www.bethecook.com/recipes/Roasted-Chicken-with-Watercress

Roasted Chicken with Watercress
* 5 lb whole chicken
* salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste
* 3 lemons - halved
* 4 sprigs thyme
* 2 sprigs rosemary
* 6 cloves garlic - crushed, unpeeled
* 1 onion - sliced
* olive oil as needed
* 1/2 cup chicken stock or broth
* 2 tbsp walnut or hazelnut oil
* 2 bunch watercress
Step 1
Crush and unpeeled 6 cloves garlic. Set aside.
Halve 3 lemons.
Step 2
Add the crushed garlic, 4 sprigs thyme, 2 sprigs rosemary, Lemons juice,
salt and fresh ground black pepper into a large bowl. Mix well.
Step 3
Put the chicken into the bowl, rub the chicken around with the mixture.
Then stuff the chicken with the mixture. Leave it with breast side down.
Step 4
Peel and slice the onion. Spread the onion slices on a roasting pan.
Then put the chicken on the top. Tuck the chicken wings into the chicken body.
Use a string to tie the chicken legs together.
Step 5
Drizzle the chicken with the juice in the bowl and olive oil.
Preheat oven to 400F, and roast the chicken for 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Step 6
Meanwhile, Put 2 bunch watercress into a large bowl.
Step 7
After the chicken is done, put the chicken into a large bowl, let rest at least 10 minutes.
Step 8
pull the fat out of the roasting pan. Now the pan is still very hot.
Add 1/2 cup chicken stock or broth into the pan, rub off the sticking things in the pan.
Strain the mixture in the pan on a bowl. We can get the sauce in the bowl.
add in juice of half lemon, some salt and 2 tbsp walnut or hazelnut oil. Mix well.
Step 9
Now cut and carve the chicken.
Put some chicken shred into the watercress bowl. Pour in some sauce.
Stir well.
Then place the watercress on a plate, and place chicken pieces onthe top of the watercress. Spoon some sauce on the chicken pieces.