-- 2008-12-29
进到“ Radiohead ”的官方网站,眼花缭乱,到处是色彩和字样的组合,茫然不得北时点开 Space 的屏视 - Dead Air Space ,很有创意。。。
Radiohead 一直在实验各种摇滚音符,忧郁的、颓废的、优雅的、深沉的、愤青的,无病呻吟的,有病呻吟的,,,每一次突破,都带来下一次创新的期望。
1992 年,发行第一首单曲 "CREEP" 评为年度的英伦最佳单曲之一。这首歌被认为是一首关于疏离的赞美诗,歌词充满自怜情绪。 1993 年推出首张专辑《 Pablo Honey 》作品都或多或少带出与之相同的味儿。
1995 年,第二张专辑《 The Bends 》使得 Radiohead 在英国家喻户晓。这张专辑里有很多耐听的歌。比如 “ High and Dry ”, “Fake Plastic Tree” , “Nice Dream” 。。。特有的轻灵伴奏,和着 Thom 动情的娓娓述说,带着朴素唯美的自在与忧伤,颇具摇滚魅力。
High & Dry
…. Oh, it's the best thing that you ever had,
the best thing that you ever, ever had.
It's the best thing that you ever had.
The best thing that you had has gone away.
Don't leave me high don't leave me dry
Don't leave me high don't leave me dry
1997 年,第 3 张专辑《 OK Computer 》奠定了乐队的实验摇滚风格。 乐团尝试将摇滚乐导入一个 情绪化又充满艺术色彩 的音乐空间 ,朴素怪异。 我推荐一个“ Let Down ”
Let Down
2000 年,乐团推出专辑《 Kid A 》,走极简主义乐风,电子乐,数码录音编制。 Thom 表示, “ 一个净化了世上所有病态,然后继承了地球的世代 ” 的故事,同时也探究被孤立于现代世界的感受。
01 年,又发表了另一张专辑《 Amnesiac 》,这一辑里的歌曲都是在录制《 Kid A 》期间所完成的作品,这是一张用另外一种形式为《 Kid A 》进行不同注解的作品。《 Kid A 》的封面呈现出一种距离感,画面中的火是发生在山的另一头,《 Amnesiac 》的封面则是置身在大火之中,两张封面的火红图像暗喻着创伤,所以,前者带出了远观创伤的感觉,后者则是置身在创伤之中。
I Might Be Wrong
I might be wrong
I might be wrong
I could have sworn
I saw a light coming home
I used to think
I used to think
There is no future left at all
I used to think
Open up, begin again
Let's go down the waterfall
Think about the good times and
Never look back
Never look back
What would I do?
What would I do?
If I did not have you?
Open up and let me in
Let's go down the waterfall
Have ourselves a good time
It's nothing at all
Nothing at all
Nothing at all
2003 年,第五张《 Hail To The Thief 》,乐团试图重新回归吉他摇滚路线。却不再有当年的血性与心气。
2007 年, 第六张专辑《 In Rainbows 》集合了细碎碎电子节拍,似人低吟的弦乐,刺激感官的抽离,淡雅的钢琴缀音。。。很出色的迷幻代表作。
Jigsaw Falling into Palce
Just as you take my hand
Just as you write my number down
Just as the drinks arrive
Just as they play your favourite song
As your bad day disappears
No longer wound up like a spring
Before you've had too much
Come back in focus again
The walls are bending shape
You got a cheshire cat grin
All blurring into one
This place is on a mission
Before the night owl
Before the animal noises
Closed circuit cameras
Before you comatose
Before you run away from me
Before you're lost between the notes
The beat goes round and round
The beat goes round and round
I never really got there
I just pretended that I had
Words are blunt instruments
Words are sawn off shotguns
Come on and let it out 。。。。
今年年 6 月,乐队首张精选大碟《 Radiohead: The Best Of 》,网罗了乐团在 1992-2005 年间 6 张专辑中的畅销单曲,招牌作与演唱会中最受欢迎的歌曲,包括: Creep 、 High And Dry 、 Paranoid Android 、 There There 、 No Surprises 、 Pyramid Song 、 Street Spirit (Fade Out) 、 Karma Police 、 2+2 = 5 、 Just 、 Fake Plastic Trees 、、、等等。(买了一张碟,因此去看了这么多)